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todays wegovy call... Anna


Can Anna be in charge. She is the only one who gets it.

And, I don't care about your college football teams. So high school. This is serious times folks. YOU screwed up and wont admit it. You have no clue what it is like to get texts about no product. Unbelievable what clowns are in charge of this mess.


It is really unbelievable what is going on with these clowns. Do you realize we were potentially gonna cap bonus. Now... who knows. That is on you! Tell us to sell and we did. crazy

I will go E all the above..

And yes, moving diabetes folks to obesity at higher levels screwed us big time. But, the higher ups are too conceited to admit they were wrong.

What kind of company launches a drug and then can’t meet the demand? What a shit show. Is this par for the course in pharma?
No, it has never happened before, but it is par for the course for Novo to screw up a launch. The only launch that could be counted as a true success was Victoza. That launch went well because everyone company wide had almost a year to prepare due to a delay. Shows that being all together in home office and having time to plan makes for a much better launch than Zoom calls from the Living Room and launching 72 hours post approval!

Serious inquiry from a prospective patient. Does anyone really know when the wholesaler backlog is going to be alleviated. I have a prescription on file at a major national grocery store waiting to be filled with no inventory available. Also any thoughts would I be better off transferring that prescription to CVS or Walgreens?

Serious inquiry from a prospective patient. Does anyone really know when the wholesaler backlog is going to be alleviated. I have a prescription on file at a major national grocery store waiting to be filled with no inventory available. Also any thoughts would I be better off transferring that prescription to CVS or Walgreens?
Don’t use CVS. They’re the most difficult. Your grocery store is probably the best bet outside of a smaller family pharmacy. You should see some in stock in the next couple of weeks but things aren’t gonna even out until the new year.

Folks, the buck stops with Cinca. Good guy? Sure. Good at his job? Nope. Was canned for this and the Rybelsus blunders. Pia has taken the heat for doing the right thing. Leadership is difficult.
This is probably the stupidest thing I have read on this site. Either Pia or Melissa must have written it.

This is probably the stupidest thing I have read on this site. Either Pia or Melissa must have written it.
We all get it, Ed was a good guy. Never bothered you. Let you do your job. But come on man, he was in charge of the entire SEMA franchise and the entire franchise is a mess from a marketing and promotional point of view. Take your personal idolization away and you’d see he was just not good at his job.

Serious inquiry from a prospective patient. Does anyone really know when the wholesaler backlog is going to be alleviated. I have a prescription on file at a major national grocery store waiting to be filled with no inventory available. Also any thoughts would I be better off transferring that prescription to CVS or Walgreens?
Not our problem, fatso.

Not our problem, fatso.

Are you fucking kidding me? This world is shitty enough and then we have pieces of shit like you making it that much worse. I hope that you are blessed with suffering rom a chronic disease that can exponentially be helped by a medication that will never come to fruition for you.

OG poster - just stay where you are like the previous poster said. CVS is not worth it. You can try calling pharmacies every day to see if they have anything available and switch your script there but I’m not sure it’s worth that. I’m really sorry to you that our shitty company has put you in this horrible situation. I pray every night that this gets fixed quickly for all of you.

Spot On. The poster needs to get a gym membership and start putting in the effort to slim down! Obesity is associated with poor moral character. Now go do some sit ups and burpees!
Oh- I do hope you truly believe this! And I hope you’re the NNI rep in my territory because competing against clueless is a cakewalk! Laughing all the way to the bank.

To the OP, excuse this asinine comment about moral character. Somebody needs a nap and a diaper change, along with some pathophys training, stat.