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Today, the best decision BMS management has been made


We will now be even more metric driven. Regardless of how the company does, you have to distribute the IC checks and we have to measure something.

Good for me. I represent Sotyktu but don't really sell any. My KPIs will look great and I hope my bonus goes up.

No more need to lie about 40%.

I wish this decision had been taken earlier. The toxic managers have been stripped of their power significantly. It is toxic management that drives employees hired with a passion to turn into quiet quitters. Now it's upto these good for nothing managers to ensure that they do due diligence while hiring and go for self driven & motivated candidates. Toxic cultures will never attract best talent

This will very likely push me over the edge. What McIdiot thought that taking away individual performance rewards was the solution, when all of our 'objectives' are now called 'individual contributions'? Even with last years shitty numbers, this would have cost me even more of my bonus. As someone who frequently got 140%+ personal multipliers, this offers zero motivation.


This will very likely push me over the edge. What McIdiot thought that taking away individual performance rewards was the solution, when all of our 'objectives' are now called 'individual contributions'? Even with last years shitty numbers, this would have cost me even more of my bonus. As someone who frequently got 140%+ personal multipliers, this offers zero motivation.


The McIdiot that is 20 something with no life experience. This is ridiculous. What clowns would hire McKinsey to do anything. I can save them millions right here with the McKinsey way LAYOFFS at the lower level and cut bonuses to the bottom. That is all those clowns at McKinsey know how to do. See John Oliver's special on McKinsey. Very eyeopening.

This will very likely push me over the edge. What McIdiot thought that taking away individual performance rewards was the solution, when all of our 'objectives' are now called 'individual contributions'? Even with last years shitty numbers, this would have cost me even more of my bonus. As someone who frequently got 140%+ personal multipliers, this offers zero motivation.

You got 140%+ individual performance factors? You are a lap puppy of your manager. Remember the bonus pool allocated to your team is fixed. That means other team members got low number when you get a high number.

I wish this decision had been taken earlier. The toxic managers have been stripped of their power significantly. It is toxic management that drives employees hired with a passion to turn into quiet quitters. Now it's upto these good for nothing managers to ensure that they do due diligence while hiring and go for self driven & motivated candidates. Toxic cultures will never attract best talent
Same here. I was hired three years ago with a desire to make a difference. Then I was reminded of BMS culture again and again. Three years later, I would rather be a quiet quitter.

So now shitty employees can get the same bonus as people who bust their asses? Fucking brilliant.
If the ones busting their asses were getting terrific bonuses and shitty employees were getting shitty bonuses then so many negative comments would not have there for company culture across different threads. Poor performers were being rewarded at the expense of high performers.
Now it would be more equal distribution between performers and non performers. Company performance will go up only by weeding out the non performers starting from the top.

Senior Leadership has finally realized that they overpaid the entire Dermatology division and this is there way to counteract those salaries. They figure since you are all way overpaid with your base bonuses that you can’t go anywhere without taking a pay cut so they have you. Now they are cutting your bonuses as a slap in the face. BMS is a joke organization and anyone who works there has a stain on the their resumes.