Today is the official last day.....


This is the official last day for the casualties of the recent layoff. Today is the day to send in your HR documents. Don't forget! (and hopefully you did NOT send them in early, or no severance)! I hope you are either enjoying some time off or have a new job to look forward to.


I sent mine in yesterday...when do you anticipate receiving the check? It said something about a waiting period?

They hold your paperwork for one week, and then they send it in. My severance came in about two weeks after the waiting period. I don't think it will be that much different for field employees than HQ.

There will be a lot more of AZ people that will go through what you guys have gone through. Next year we will more than likely have a MUCH bigger layoff. The last one was nowhere near sufficient. Who can blame them anyway with CSO's being the thing of the future. I'm sure I'm gone in the next round. I am paving the way for my exit now. Don't wait until you find yourself unemployed to make your plans.

I for one have been enjoying The Kelli and Rachel Ray shows, They rule. Also the price is right is cool too. When did Drew Carrie takeover?. I am A TEVO maniac for all of these, a must see, dont you agree?