I can't believe that bitch printed this.

She told me it was a story about what good looks like in a CEO, and then she told me that I looked good. We even joked about the ridiculous rumors that I had a hairpiece. Then this!!?

No one is trustworthy anymore. I know it didn't last long but I was really excited, that's all. If she hadn't run off we'd have had another session.

Excellent article. Alot of engaged employees left, but leadership has more faith in third party companies(IMS and ZS Associates) than their own employees. Sad, very sad.

Haha. Sounds like AZ. Before I left I was carrying my district's #s and my boss had th nerve to sit me down and ask why my first call, which happened to be 2.5 hours from my house, wasn't until 10 am on such and such day. WTF is that??? I'd call that my disdain moment. I hope her numbers are in the toilet.

Meanwhile in 2 months at my new employer I've been told over and over again how happy they are with me and I've moved up 4 places in the presidents club rankings.

If you're still at AZ get out. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

From Mgmt to the emplyee sending this-
we have already left for the day. please report to compliance as this was not approved by legal. you have already been trained not to send anything unapproved via corp email.
morale lessons can only be learned if approved by legal. also please revisit the training lesson entitled "it is against AZ policy to do any free thinking. All thoughts must be approved by legal first"

Thank you and this cp post has been approved by legal but reading it has not.

You may or may not have forgotten, however since it is part of the new employment agreements which you all signed under threat of termination:

"Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination."

We're coming out with a T-shirt that says that so we can tell the judges everyone knew the policy, so WTF? We were OK to fire whoever we want. No EEOC here.

Haha. Sounds like AZ. Before I left I was carrying my district's #s and my boss had th nerve to sit me down and ask why my first call, which happened to be 2.5 hours from my house, wasn't until 10 am on such and such day. WTF is that??? I'd call that my disdain moment. I hope her numbers are in the toilet.

Meanwhile in 2 months at my new employer I've been told over and over again how happy they are with me and I've moved up 4 places in the presidents club rankings.

If you're still at AZ get out. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

Sorry, have to throw the BS flag on this post. It's nice that you have moved on and found another role elsewhere. But to claim that in your first 2 months you've moved up 4 places in national rankings is just ridiculous. Presumably you were in training for several weeks, and even if territory and customers were nearly identical, with the delay in reporting measures, it would be damn near impossible to show much of an impact that quickly. Or if there was a move in performance, it was something either related to your team, a payor, or short-term 'vacancy lift'. If your going to make up a claim like this, try at least to make it plausible...

When i joined my new company, it didn't rain for the first 30 days. Clearly I caused that too, right?

It was an HR post / diversion, and you are too stupid to see it.

Every time AZ gets called out anywhere, the lemmings go to work. This entire operation is about the health of the patients that are fortunate enough to have doctors our representatives have educated about our superior products. What, do you want to see your grandmother taking Nasonex or something? Man you're daft.

No dissension in the ranks, question nothing. The beatings will continue until morale improves. Regardless of what we all think, the fearless or feared leaders will continue. Leadership here is a joke. I've never seen so many spineless jellyfish cow-tow to the person to which they report.
Morality is not the issue, it's self preservation. They want to keep their job, and hope nobody finds out what they're not doing. Put yourself in their place, what does anyone between the sales rep (foot soldier) and the NSD (commander) bring to the table? My feeling is little to nothing. They're all revenue negative, middle management fat pulling revenue away from the company.
If I've learned one thing at AstraZeneca, it's that our business model looks exactly like that of Amway's. Bring in 6 people (RSD's) and have them work for you. Have them bring in 10 people each (DSM's) and have them work for you. Have those 10 people bring in 12 - 15 people (PSS) and have them work for you. Pretty soon we're all selling soap for one person.

LOL Senior management and morale. Now that DB is gone do you think senior management gives a rats ass about sales department morale? Everything is in the shitter with this company and the new CEO is going to have to explain to the board what he or she will do to turn things around. Let's go back to our senior managers. They make $250,000 plus in salary and live in those big McMansions with huge payments. Right now they have a huge target on their forehead and they are scrambling to say they are not the problem but the future solution. Unfortunately for them....many if not most will be cut when the new "administration" takes over. Getting back to sales force one gives a shit...not your NSD, ASD, RSD or one.