To trust or not to trust

Since Perry and now Dan have left or should I say since Valeant bought us would everybody agree that no one has a clue what is going on and no one really cares about reps anymore. How hard is it for tem to just ship samples. Takes so long to get anything done.

Really? what a stupid title.
Have you NOT learned that you NEVER trust an organization whole heartedly.
Like a psycho gf, at the weakest moment they come in for the kill.

At Nashville, did you listen- NO I MEAN LISTEN…….
Its not what is said BUT what they don't say that you should be aware of.
MP will be written up in history and in business schools across the country as
the fat cat that destroyed brands. He and his posse doesn't care about you, or R&D but making shareholders profitable.

Start thinking like him. Certainly don't dress or physically become him but learn to be as cunning with you business, your career and your life. This rodeo will not be around forever so seek the fortune, stash and invest bc life moves at warp speeds!

you get it?!

