To the idiots in HO, WAKE THE F@CK UP!


Holding this NSM is completely ignorant and potentially negligent. There is absolutely NO justification for spending a bunch of money to congregate people from all over the country, who have to maneuver through crowded airports and airplanes, to come sit through a useless meeting in the middle of a pandemic. Call it off, no one wants to be there, it will be a huge waste of time and money. Even taking the pandemic out of it, it’s still useless. For most of us, there’s nothing new to cover, no one will be engaged in the meeting. Let’s try to have some moderate intelligence and awareness here…

Holding this NSM is completely ignorant and potentially negligent. There is absolutely NO justification for spending a bunch of money to congregate people from all over the country, who have to maneuver through crowded airports and airplanes, to come sit through a useless meeting in the middle of a pandemic. Call it off, no one wants to be there, it will be a huge waste of time and money. Even taking the pandemic out of it, it’s still useless. For most of us, there’s nothing new to cover, no one will be engaged in the meeting. Let’s try to have some moderate intelligence and awareness here…

Just spoke to a couple attorney friends of mine and they say this is a breeding ground for lawsuits. I can’t wait to go and will try to get Covid so I can sue the crap out of this company and never have to work again.

Holding this NSM is completely ignorant and potentially negligent. There is absolutely NO justification for spending a bunch of money to congregate people from all over the country, who have to maneuver through crowded airports and airplanes, to come sit through a useless meeting in the middle of a pandemic. Call it off, no one wants to be there, it will be a huge waste of time and money. Even taking the pandemic out of it, it’s still useless. For most of us, there’s nothing new to cover, no one will be engaged in the meeting. Let’s try to have some moderate intelligence and awareness here…

But wait….they care so much about our safety!

Many folks will have vaccines that are 6 months or older too at the time of the meeting so many are unsafe.

Make the meeting virtual since you already took our vacation days away from us for the fall.

Make the meeting virtual and make special incentives for Lybalvi. Also, give everyone a nice holiday bonus for giving up vacations for four months and during the holiday season.

Unless people want to go to the meeting to hook up or kiss butt--I think most would be agreeable to a virtual meeting.

Make the meeting virtual and make special incentives for Lybalvi. Also, give everyone a nice holiday bonus for giving up vacations for four months and during the holiday season.

Unless people want to go to the meeting to hook up or kiss butt--I think most would be agreeable to a virtual meeting.

Would you like some cheese with that whine