"To get the company right, you have to get the culture right"


Right according to whom? Is brown-nosing, retaliation for not agreeing with your boss no matter how wrong they are, not rewarding sales results, rewarding activity and not results, and being arrogant and self-centered the culture that is thought to be right? Count me as counter-culture and damn proud I retain my dignity in the process. Dial 9. Its going to be a long night.

Own it is a joke. To own something means you have the autonomy to make wise business decisions. What we are being asked to own are the ridiculously lame, ineffective, and uninformed ideas of our strategy leads who have zero concept of the customer. Own it? I am happy to own it, just let me run my buisiness and give me what I need. Hint, micromanagement is not included on the list. I always hit my numbers, but you are a hinderance and obstacle to me. You are a stumbling block, not a starters block. Be gone and leave me to do the important business for which I was hired to do.

Right according to whom? Is brown-nosing, retaliation for not agreeing with your boss no matter how wrong they are, not rewarding sales results, rewarding activity and not results, and being arrogant and self-centered the culture that is thought to be right? Count me as counter-culture and damn proud I retain my dignity in the process. Dial 9. Its going to be a long night.

Me too!!! I do great work and thumb my nose at the shitty Pfizer culture.

"To get the company right, you have to get the culture right." Is our culture right? My manager (South Texas) met with all of us reps because their is a new computer system that has been popping up in our territory. The computer tracks samples and we were instructed to tell our docs that "Pfizer simply wont play this game"...which I did. I had my a** handed to me by a doc who told me that I was no longer welcome at their office. The reason: what we at Pfizer are calling a "game" the doctors are calling patient safety. Got me thinking a lot. We desperately need a cultural change.

I don't think the powers that be have figured out that the individuals that built the culture are all gone. Ed Pratt, Bill Steere, Hank McCrorie, Rick Burch, Jake Friedman, etc. Retired or fired.

"To get the company right, you have to get the culture right." Is our culture right? My manager (South Texas) met with all of us reps because their is a new computer system that has been popping up in our territory. The computer tracks samples and we were instructed to tell our docs that "Pfizer simply wont play this game"...which I did. I had my a** handed to me by a doc who told me that I was no longer welcome at their office. The reason: what we at Pfizer are calling a "game" the doctors are calling patient safety. Got me thinking a lot. We desperately need a cultural change.

Arrogant elitists who know better than us and the customer. The merry go-round of idiocy continues.

I don't think the powers that be have figured out that the individuals that built the culture are all gone. Ed Pratt, Bill Steere, Hank McCrorie, Rick Burch, Jake Friedman, etc. Retired or fired.

How quickly they forget. Bill Steere hand-picked Hank McKinnell and then Jeff Kindler as CEOs. If anyone is responsible for the sorry mess Pfizer has become it's Bill Steere.

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