To Davol Management


Dear JG, DC, CC, and BM

As I'm sure you already know, this new comp plan you have announced is ridiculous. Our quotas have been tripled while the payouts were decreased. 3 of 5 to get any over quota dollars? Are you kidding?

Based on the August #'s, less then 10% of the sales force is trending to hit the q4 quota. I understand the new opportunities etc but they are not as big as you think.

We have no training, no marketing support, no knowledge, and no speakers on breast. XenMatrix is great but at 9% you can give it back to Brennan. Sorby kicks ass, but we crush a product and you punish us for it (increase quota, decrease payout).

We all know this is in preparation for the expansion,and is a sign of things to come. Many Davol veterans are accustomed to a certain level of income. That level of income is now achievable only by the top 5.

This is the type of income our competitors make, but our competitors have 4 times as many reps and 10% of the market. If you want to pay me pharma money, then I want a 20 hr a week job!!

Over the next 6 months we will see turnover rates worse than you had during the recall. You guys better hire a lot more than just the 40 expansion spots. Covidien, Ethicon, and Lifecell reps reading this, get ready because you will finally be able to pick off those loyal Davol Dr.'s.

Seriously- you sell mesh. Mesh. The most commodity product in the OR. Be happy with the money you have been robbing from Davol for the last 3 years. Welcome to the real world. If you don't like it, go sell pacemakers.

Are those veterans who are accuctomed to a certain level of income performing at the same level as when they made big bucks? If you perform, you get paid well. If your average, you make less. If your in the bottom, you don't make shit.

It's all about the New Products and Davol has them. You bitch about not having any new products and now when you have them, you're bitching about the quota being to high. Shut up and sell something.

I am going to look for a new job all on crbard's time. I will spend my time helping me instead of upper management's selfish moron's. I suggest everyone else do the same. screw upper managemnt.

Hey bottom-feeder, do you really think your helping Upper Management with your #88 ranking and pathetic sales growth? Lets see you get another job without lying on your resume. Good luck!

everyone lies on the resume's moron. I personally know of 10 situations of bard reps doing so. The comp plan sucks-can't make much unless you blow the numbers away by far. System is set up for upper management. This is fact. Call me a bottome feeder if you want-I really don't care. Also, I am not number 88. I'm in top 35.

Numbers are not realistic, upper management does not want to make them realistic because then they have to pay out more comp money and they will make less. It's not about performing at a high level. If it truly was about performing at a high level then that means majority of the sales force is not performing, This would mean that managers made tons of bad hiring decisions. I guess the managers are not very good.

bet u all would love to know that COV lowered our goals for hernia mechanical this year. We are paid on not losing business to you. Thats it, no growth what so ever. also last year when a lot of us were not hitting permacol numbers they matched our sales dollars similar to a 401K so if I sold 40K they gave me another 15K on top free towards quota, and so on for many months last year. were getting paid over here just fine and we like it that way, keeps people here.

Way to go COV. You still sell mesh, the cotton ball and tongue depressor of the OR. Davol reps should feel honored their company still spends R&D money on this category. Get the dough while you can. For the OP still have no idea how good you've had it.

Hey bottom-feeder, do you really think your helping Upper Management with your #88 ranking and pathetic sales growth? Lets see you get another job without lying on your resume. Good luck!


How you know the #88 ranking. Everyone including yourself BS numbers on your resume. Does any sales person want to look bad on a resume

Dear JG, DC, CC, and BM

As I'm sure you already know, this new comp plan you have announced is ridiculous. Our quotas have been tripled while the payouts were decreased. 3 of 5 to get any over quota dollars? Are you kidding?

Based on the August #'s, less then 10% of the sales force is trending to hit the q4 quota. I understand the new opportunities etc but they are not as big as you think.

We have no training, no marketing support, no knowledge, and no speakers on breast. XenMatrix is great but at 9% you can give it back to Brennan. Sorby kicks ass, but we crush a product and you punish us for it (increase quota, decrease payout).

We all know this is in preparation for the expansion,and is a sign of things to come. Many Davol veterans are accustomed to a certain level of income. That level of income is now achievable only by the top 5.

This is the type of income our competitors make, but our competitors have 4 times as many reps and 10% of the market. If you want to pay me pharma money, then I want a 20 hr a week job!!

Over the next 6 months we will see turnover rates worse than you had during the recall. You guys better hire a lot more than just the 40 expansion spots. Covidien, Ethicon, and Lifecell reps reading this, get ready because you will finally be able to pick off those loyal Davol Dr.'s.

nice post DF....little too much info buddy....not that it matters, just be a little more careful when you start complaining about JNJ on the boards.....