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To all the Takeda reps that jumped ship to Novo..


Kind of ironic, isn't it? Takeda no longer works in PODS, Novo does. Takeda just got 3 diabetes drugs approved, now Novo must wait 5 years like Takeda did to get their new drugs approved. BTW-we all just got salary adjustments too at Takeda, hope it was worth the jump! We are all laughing at you! Novo is Takeda 2008...TICK TOCK TICK TOCK....


Kind of ironic, isn't it? Takeda no longer works in PODS, Novo does. Takeda just got 3 diabetes drugs approved, now Novo must wait 5 years like Takeda did to get their new drugs approved. BTW-we all just got salary adjustments too at Takeda, hope it was worth the jump! We are all laughing at you! Novo is Takeda 2008...TICK TOCK TICK TOCK....

.....except that Takeda launched and sold a drug that made people have heart attacks. Thanks to your awful mistakes, no company will be Takeda in 2008 anymore. Thanks to you, the FDA will make sure that no one makes it to market with a drug like Avandia ever again. Thanks, Takeda!! You fucked it up, we took all your good people, and we still win!!!!!

.....except that Takeda launched and sold a drug that made people have heart attacks. Thanks to your awful mistakes, no company will be Takeda in 2008 anymore. Thanks to you, the FDA will make sure that no one makes it to market with a drug like Avandia ever again. Thanks, Takeda!! You fucked it up, we took all your good people, and we still win!!!!!

You are absolute moron. Takeda makes Actos, GSK made Avandia.

.....except that Takeda launched and sold a drug that made people have heart attacks. Thanks to your awful mistakes, no company will be Takeda in 2008 anymore. Thanks to you, the FDA will make sure that no one makes it to market with a drug like Avandia ever again. Thanks, Takeda!! You fucked it up, we took all your good people, and we still win!!!!!

Typical. You got your drug companies mixed up, Nimrod. Thanks for showing the world that the standards for being a detail rep have dropped down to community college drop-out level.

Typical. You got your drug companies mixed up, Nimrod. Thanks for showing the world that the standards for being a detail rep have dropped down to community college drop-out level.

I must say I have not heard the term "detail rep" for many years from a physician or their office staff. Those were the glory days when docs would actually SIT down with you while you got 10--15 minutes (sometimes longer) to discuss (detail) the benefits of your drugs. And no, we are not talking about during a breakfast or lunch. This was a time period when physicians did respect you, and most reps were welcomed into their offices.

Today, your just a "drug rep" chasing a signature while standing in the hallway between patients for your 30 seconds of blabber, all while the doc scribbles his signature to get you on your way. That is of course, only for offices that even let you go back to wait for the doc. Otherwise, pass the tablet through the window to the receptionist who will obtain a sig for you in case samples are needed.

I must say I have not heard the term "detail rep" for many years from a physician or their office staff. Those were the glory days when docs would actually SIT down with you while you got 10--15 minutes (sometimes longer) to discuss (detail) the benefits of your drugs. And no, we are not talking about during a breakfast or lunch. This was a time period when physicians did respect you, and most reps were welcomed into their offices.

Today, your just a "drug rep" chasing a signature while standing in the hallway between patients for your 30 seconds of blabber, all while the doc scribbles his signature to get you on your way. That is of course, only for offices that even let you go back to wait for the doc. Otherwise, pass the tablet through the window to the receptionist who will obtain a sig for you in case samples are needed.

Been in the industry since '92, so you must be talking about a time way before I entered.

I must say I have not heard the term "detail rep" for many years from a physician or their office staff. Those were the glory days when docs would actually SIT down with you while you got 10--15 minutes (sometimes longer) to discuss (detail) the benefits of your drugs. And no, we are not talking about during a breakfast or lunch. This was a time period when physicians did respect you, and most reps were welcomed into their offices.

Today, your just a "drug rep" chasing a signature while standing in the hallway between patients for your 30 seconds of blabber, all while the doc scribbles his signature to get you on your way. That is of course, only for offices that even let you go back to wait for the doc. Otherwise, pass the tablet through the window to the receptionist who will obtain a sig for you in case samples are needed.

There is a someone lurking on here that is gonna bring the hammer down on you, and soon!