You lazy scumbags need to get off your fat asses and get a move on!
Move the Rx's or you'll be managed OUT!
Move the Rx's or you'll be managed OUT!
Sleep it off, coop.
You lazy scumbags need to get off your fat asses and get a move on!
Move the Rx's or you'll be managed OUT!
You lazy scumbags need to get off your fat asses and get a move on!
Move the Rx's or you'll be managed OUT!
You lazy scumbags need to get off your fat asses and get a move on!
Move the Rx's or you'll be managed OUT!
Ya must be jokin right?! The rest of us that are still here are lookin for jobs 24/7 and sendin out resumes like no tomorrow. You must be the biggest fool to think we are even thinkin increasing sales at this point. End of the year stocks are gonna be on the $1 menu. Getting the f*** out is more like it. And if you're a manager your ass is the next batch gettin axed! If you had a third of a brain, you'd be lookin too.
You worthless reps think that everything should be handed to you on a goddamn silver platter without having to break a sweat and do any REAL work!
Your fathers and your grandfathers have more intestinal fortitude that you EVER will! I hope you're NOT one of MY reps or I'll bust your tiny balls and terminate your asses!
You worthless reps think that everything should be handed to you on a goddamn silver platter without having to break a sweat and do any REAL work!
Your fathers and your grandfathers have more intestinal fortitude that you EVER will! I hope you're NOT one of MY reps or I'll bust your tiny balls and terminate your asses!
You win the dumbass award. Congratulations. One of two scenarios is happening here. One - you actually are a manager who is still working and sticking up for this laughable dog of a company. That is highly unlikely since there are only a few of you left and even the incompetent hot head managers checked out several months ago. Poor bastards just can't find another job. Scenario two is our winner here. You're either CC or some other idiot stock holder who is losing a small fortune on the stock from this hillbilly operation.
Whomever you are, you should take a look around and assess the situation you're in. This place is in a downward spiral that ends with complete destruction. Congrats Coop you ran a company into the ground
Fuck Off CC. Start buying us products worth a shit you stupid douche bag.
This type of poor attitude will end up with you being managed OUT quickly and replaced with someone who will DO the job!
Get your shit together or be GONE!
This type of poor attitude will end up with you being managed OUT quickly and replaced with someone who will DO the job!
Get your shit together or be GONE!
You lazy scumbags need to get off your fat asses and get a move on!
Move the Rx's or you'll be managed OUT!
Sorry to bust your balls pal, but the reps are the ONLY people who are makin this company any money. All you worthless and useless managers do is drive up costs with your bullcrap field rides and spending the company's money it doesnt have!! Instead of spending hundreds of dollars a week on BS field rides and lunch and dinner sprees the company ought to get rid of your asses!
Here is the site we all need to complete, I've already did it last week letting the FDA know about all the unapproved drugs that we are being asked to sell! Follow the link it fill it out today, the more people that do it, the faster the FDA will show up!!! I'm also looking in to a whistle blower case to make some money.