Many of us love our job, we work hard, because ok millions for r the company's, and yet we are told we are not producing revenue. The numbers are set in Pitt based on fictitious bookings that are reversed before our eyes, 10-11 months after the fact. It is disheartening to hear that "we booked revenue and lost the appeal after 2 years. It is disappointing that after years on the market, we choose to not contract with payers, yet have a team or sales force to do just that job. The "National Director" is a very nice guy, friend of VP West, but is clearly NOT getting it being a company man means hiring your own, even when it is not the best for company, and letting the sales force down.
We are all still trying to understand how Jeff R. And Kurt S got promoted for NOT working and zero FC Reports! Oh yeah, they were told not to do them, LOL!
Being successful does not mean staying at the hospital until 9pm to get a credit card run through so a poor patient can be protected. Our job is stressful enough without Askimg for $500, lets have AD's and VP's go ask a crying patient for $1000, and let's have them out the credit card Auth in and waiting 2pkus hours.........TALK IS CHEAP!
We are all still trying to understand how Jeff R. And Kurt S got promoted for NOT working and zero FC Reports! Oh yeah, they were told not to do them, LOL!
Being successful does not mean staying at the hospital until 9pm to get a credit card run through so a poor patient can be protected. Our job is stressful enough without Askimg for $500, lets have AD's and VP's go ask a crying patient for $1000, and let's have them out the credit card Auth in and waiting 2pkus hours.........TALK IS CHEAP!