TM's that should be RM's and RM's that should be TM's or FIRED


Seems only reps that have been here a year maybe 2 are being promoted and once you are a RM its the TM's fault. And the TM's are under budget, never been a trainer who do they know.

Why isn't Smullens, Lewis, Martin Or Conroy Managers Yet. I hear 2 of them are getting ready to leave Zoll!

The bigger question is why are they still staying around? For some of them it has been made crystal clear that they will not be managers here. Not that I agree with it, but it's what it is.

Zoll is one of the more well run and well respected companies in the cardiac device arena. Its a great resume builder and career starter.

It was hard to explain the quota system and the stack ranking for this place when I was interviewing. The only thing that worked to my advantage was that I brought it with me and said "if I can sell this I can sell anything."

All I can say is every RM that does not work can point to MG appointment to AD and say, "you promoted a guy who did not work in the field, therefore why are you firing me?" Saddest day ever, but given the hiring VP, so expected. Bob Greene, thank you for the hall pass! You are so predictable, and disappointing. How did you ever get this job? Time will tell and show all your flaws, I think we already see a few!

This place is so predictable. RMs that don't work or are absolutely despised by their teams get promoted to AD (see all of the recent promotions). It's literally a contest to see who can talk the biggest game and hype themselves the most and it's scary that the decision makers can't really understand who's really contributing and who's full of bs.

RMs that try their best and actually add something are passed over or leave the company all together. It just never ends. If you're a conscientious person, it's only a matter of time before you want to leave.

We all want to leave, it's not a choice, just no jobs right now. You are correct, and time will show the destruction our "new VP" is taking in his division. Just look at his prior area. He walked into a performing area 2 years ago,and took it down. Nice job, you it's the Zoll way!