Best thing I do is make up fake success stories.
Shad up already. Your mad because you didn't think of it first.Thats fucking brilliant. Keep it up and you'll be unemployed fucking Einstein
No I'm not. I continue to be amazed at how fucking stupid you millenials seem to be.
You sound a lot like a millenial. Please don't lie to us.
No squat nose, Im not millennial. Take another rookie guess butt pack
Sure, we will just take your video game playing, iPad hugging, lifetime studying, Hilary loving, tree humping, twerking word for it.
Go be liberal somewhere else and learn to use more vocabulary - fucking millennial!
That's awesome! Love it.
Looks like youre intelligent enough to respond to your own post dick nose. Nice going twerp. But you're too stupid to know what a millennial is you prick. Get out and sell something you POS and try to accomplish something you scum sucking bottom feeder.
Looks like youre intelligent enough to respond to your own post dick nose. Nice going twerp. But you're too stupid to know what a millennial is you prick. Get out and sell something you POS and try to accomplish something you scum sucking bottom feeder.
The market guessed it....RA-PA-THA. Rapatha, there you go. Now repeat that a few times and then say, Praluent is dead!