Listen no one is a fan of cuts, I happan to think Mr. T is doing the right thing. He has to clean up the NCM disaster Bob Mcmahon left him. The idea that customers can love us and Merck is going to help them with their practice and patients is a complete pipe dream. Lets forget about ROI and drop 100k on Journey 4 control even if our customers dont prescribe Januvia. Makes me cry when I think of it.
Merck over the last 3 years has suffered from Münchausen syndrome. Lets take Culture surveys and make no talent employees matter. Lets change culture with Change agents from bottoms up, never hapenning. Safe to speak up is only warranted when it concurs with your manager and DCO. You want to change Culture hire someone from the outside that has no loyalties to anyone at Merck. You'd find many senior leaders gone from our company.
Stop trying to cater to ever demographic in the world ie. OPrah's best places to work in America. Make talent, drive, and determination the core values instead of skin tone, sex, and culture.
I think the cuts should start at our incompentant VPs work their way down to 30 percent DCO cuts. Lets be honest is anyone impressed with most of our directors. Then they should gut 60 percent of the CTLs and replace 30 perecnt with talent comprised from the field and outside areas like b2b and med device who have the ability to make reps better at SALES. My point is look around at your CTLs, how many could operate and sell in the current environment. Third, 50 percent cuts to the field and replace 20 percent with outside talent.
I've been at Merck for 8 years and can honestly say 80 percent of the field couldnt sell Lindsay Lohan an eight ball of Coke unless its first in class, best in class. Dulera isnt a shocker to me when I look around at my team.
Lastly, get rid of all MAE's, they are the modern day Grifters at Merck. THis postion is filled with lifer Merck Managers that were going to lose there Jobs during our last round of layoffs. Ask yourself this quesiton? Does your MAE have account management skills, can they filter and anaylsis data to see if they are having impact on accounts, are they great commuicators, can they develop account plans and business strategies, and lastly, would you follow them into battel. My answer is Fuck NO.
THe sad thing is if Mark Timney asked me my thoughts, I would say the exact opposite than Im posting on this board.