Timeline for "changes to better position ourselves"


Get ready for another round. Conference call with B Goff at end of august, Tekamlo contest ends on same date, rankings are coming out quicker than they ever did, managers having "performance discussions" already, advise being given to reps to look elsewhere, get resumes ready, reps being moved to "optimize opportunities", hiring freeze (but we are still hiring from outside Novartsi!), oncology downsizing, and the list could go on and on. Wish someone would post a target date for lay-offs. The timeline is solid and planned. What is the date?

Get ready for another round. Conference call with B Goff at end of august, Tekamlo contest ends on same date, rankings are coming out quicker than they ever did, managers having "performance discussions" already, advise being given to reps to look elsewhere, get resumes ready, reps being moved to "optimize opportunities", hiring freeze (but we are still hiring from outside Novartsi!), oncology downsizing, and the list could go on and on. Wish someone would post a target date for lay-offs. The timeline is solid and planned. What is the date?

I do agree with some of this but as far as rankings, we just got May MIR and it is coming out when it should. End of July. so they have now caught up.

Get ready for another round. Conference call with B Goff at end of august, Tekamlo contest ends on same date, rankings are coming out quicker than they ever did, managers having "performance discussions" already, advise being given to reps to look elsewhere, get resumes ready, reps being moved to "optimize opportunities", hiring freeze (but we are still hiring from outside Novartsi!), oncology downsizing, and the list could go on and on. Wish someone would post a target date for lay-offs. The timeline is solid and planned. What is the date?

How can we listen to someone when they can't spell advice. Geezzz