This company doesn't even exist any longer so can someone please remove it and all previous posts?
This company doesn't even exist any longer so can someone please remove it and all previous posts?
Why would you want to remove all posts considering the humor highlights over the years?
Having one of the worst HR directors in years led by the biggest culprit, David H
Having one of the highest TO rates amongst compariable companies in our industry
Having one of the worst management teams led by Joe C
Jim Sweeney would have never allowed what occurred in the past 10+ years under his watch.
What was once a proud independent company is now nothing but a memory. The reading material is better than a SNL sketch
Who the heck is Jim Sweeney?
He was known as the 5th Beatle - Wrote many songs on the White album
Sweeny was the original owner/CEOTotally cleared that up. Thanks
At least you see what many have been saying for months. Yet there will still be some Kool-Aid drinkers out there toting the company line. The problems your seeing now have been constant for years and still this Mickey Mouse management team sits on their ass and does nada. Get your ass out of there while you have a chance
one of the most successful reps ever just left and an even more successful one is about to do the same. good people with good skills are not going to tolerate earning pennies while still significantly growing their business
Crapper is picking these reps at will - Guessing he's offering more $$$And the list continues to grow.
Crapper is picking these reps at will - Guessing he's offering more $$$
Really? He already brought over one of the reps to his current company and 2 more are about to join. Hows that for not making any sense
Really? He already brought over one of the reps to his current company and 2 more are about to join. Hows that for not making any sense
And the list continues to grow.
I see on LinkedIn that another AE has left for greener pastures. I think that's 9 so far this year. Who's next?
Looks like another one just left, there's going to be an opening in Texas in case anyone's looking
Don't you mean Kansas city?Looks like another one just left, there's going to be an opening in Texas in case anyone's looking
Don't you mean Kansas city?