time to go...ny/nj


This is a sad time for a once great company. Schoenher has decided that he wants to do what GE did he's a great fan of Jack Welch and Surya is a good friend too so know this, anything that Schoenher does has the backing of Surya.
At the recent Eatern Region meeting, TS asked all the newbies to stand up and they were more than half the room. That's the message we all got from that meeting, we are dispensable and should plan for a move sooner than later. I have started my search for a new job and lined up 3 interviews already but I feel sad about what will happen to many, I will leave before they decide to can me but not everyone will be able too. I wish everyone the best.
Please no responses about who are better reps and all that BS, we are all individuals some are great while others are not.

The math is very simple, if you hit your qtrly sales target, and you started from 0, you would make 200k at any regional lab, versus 135k at Quest your first year.

If you did this same number two years in a row, you would make 250k.

year three you would make 315k.

Leaving for a greater income is something completely different. The sales rep above suggested it was time to leave because of the increasing number of new hires. A good young rep follows the money until they find a company they are willing to stick it out and give management a try. Tenured reps tend to ride out the ongoing management shifts. They have learned to budget through the years of feast then famine. In the end we all ask ourselves overall, am I paid appropriately for the work I perform? Yes, you stay, no, you move on.

Leaving for a greater income is something completely different. The sales rep above suggested it was time to leave because of the increasing number of new hires. A good young rep follows the money until they find a company they are willing to stick it out and give management a try. Tenured reps tend to ride out the ongoing management shifts. They have learned to budget through the years of feast then famine. In the end we all ask ourselves overall, am I paid appropriately for the work I perform? Yes, you stay, no, you move on.

Well said !!

Whats the environment like in North Jersey for Quest reps? Are the goals realistic or should I be scared they'd push me out after 2-3 years of good performance. Thinking about applying in NJ.

If you are selling and hitting your numbers, why call it quits? New hires don't indicate the end of the world. Why act out of fear?

beg to differ they are getting rid of all old timers an hiring younger ones for a lot less money WE ALL KNOW THIS . get out if you can as this has no future if you are over 50 beleive me ! They will push yu out

I'm so tired of hearing "if you are over 50, you're fired". Most of the reps that fall into this age group haven't been sales reps their entire life. Many of these reps were customer service techs or billing reps in their BUs and got promoted to a sales rep. The problem is that you can't make anyone a sales rep. They need the personality, the drive and the knowledge to be a success. The biggest issue is that for far too long, being a good rep in the diagnostics sector meant making sure the office had enough reqs and that their samples were being picked up. Out of all the reps I've worked with (both Quest and LCA), there are maybe a dozen, and that is being generous, that I would call a sales rep. And for those that will come on here trying to make themselves feel better, yes I was with Quest, no, I was not senior management, and yes, I got out of the company because there is no upside. You will gain and lose business based on the ebb and flow of insurance contracts and population growth. Try going to a company that actually holds its reps accountable - you wouldn't last 6 months.

Agreed; this company do not know how to treat their employees. The managers and CEO of this company are all thieves. My manager told me to copy everything from another employee. How can you run a company on that? They stole a lot of documents from this employee and are using it as their own. I think that is disgusting for managers to treat their employees like that. I really cannot believe that I am working for such a company. I cannot trust anyone from now on, I mean if they could do it to one employee, then what is stopping them from doing it to us. Quest will go down in the gutters because of what they are doing to us. Where has the company gotten with stealing from other employees? Did Quest make millions of dollars from cheating? Quest this is only the beginning, you have more to loose..... Your reputation is going down and you will loose your green face in the market.

Seasoned, top earning Quest reps....cannot sell. They are only successful in the well branded world of Quest. Without that reputation (which is greatly weakened today)..they simply cannot sell lab services. I've seen it first hand. Especially if they have been with Quest for a period of time. They come off like primadonnas, but really know nothing more than mangaed care contracts and what caterers to order from. Sad, but true.

Seasoned, top earning Quest reps....cannot sell. They are only successful in the well branded world of Quest. Without that reputation (which is greatly weakened today)..they simply cannot sell lab services. I've seen it first hand. Especially if they have been with Quest for a period of time. They come off like primadonnas, but really know nothing more than mangaed care contracts and what caterers to order from. Sad, but true.

Completely agree with you, and I would add this is the case for most reps from diagnostic labs. If you want to see a good rep, you need to look at companies that sell medical devices like Abbott, J&J, Siemens (yes, I know, a bad word at Quest), Spacelabs, etc. Those reps are highly trained and know that they either sell or they are fired. In the diagnostic lab world, it's always the same thing - get a new contract, and the rep talks about how great THEY are and how THEY increased sales. Lose a contract and they blame the loss of sales on management. Truth is, most lab reps couldn't spend 5 minutes providing any valuable information to a doctor.

Completely agree with you, and I would add this is the case for most reps from diagnostic labs. If you want to see a good rep, you need to look at companies that sell medical devices like Abbott, J&J, Siemens (yes, I know, a bad word at Quest), Spacelabs, etc. Those reps are highly trained and know that they either sell or they are fired. In the diagnostic lab world, it's always the same thing - get a new contract, and the rep talks about how great THEY are and how THEY increased sales. Lose a contract and they blame the loss of sales on management. Truth is, most lab reps couldn't spend 5 minutes providing any valuable information to a doctor.

That's why we have the GETS !

I'm so tired of hearing "if you are over 50, you're fired". Most of the reps that fall into this age group haven't been sales reps their entire life. Many of these reps were customer service techs or billing reps in their BUs and got promoted to a sales rep. The problem is that you can't make anyone a sales rep. They need the personality, the drive and the knowledge to be a success. The biggest issue is that for far too long, being a good rep in the diagnostics sector meant making sure the office had enough reqs and that their samples were being picked up. Out of all the reps I've worked with (both Quest and LCA), there are maybe a dozen, and that is being generous, that I would call a sales rep. And for those that will come on here trying to make themselves feel better, yes I was with Quest, no, I was not senior management, and yes, I got out of the company because there is no upside. You will gain and lose business based on the ebb and flow of insurance contracts and population growth. Try going to a company that actually holds its reps accountable - you wouldn't last 6 months.

you are so right but LCA an Quest are know for hiring on the inside as anyone from outside would never work in this enviroment . I also worked there an most were billing clerks or lab clerks not real Sales reps an this is how labs are they invest no money in training or employees ! Honestly I think LCA is much worse as they are based in Burlington and most are un educated and are VPs from backstabbing co workers horrible work enviroment !!!!!