Time to Give Up

Our "trusting" leadership RL and DVDb and pharma Glenny need to put their notices in too. Might as well have that researcher ME go know too since no oncology happening from his work. Its over, CB can wake up from her slumber as the dream is complete.

Our "trusting" leadership RL and DVDb and pharma Glenny need to put their notices in too. Might as well have that researcher ME go know too since no oncology happening from his work. Its over, CB can wake up from her slumber as the dream is complete.

I used to think the stench was coming from RL. CB falls asleep in every meeting. The stench is coming from her yawning.

Everyone blames RL/DVDB but was the eff is our CFO doing?

Does anyone else miss the days of HH, RLindsey, AB, and PM?