Time to do some math....


If Brennan announced publicly last month that another 3500 PSS jobs will be slashed, how many of us will be left? Am I missing something or are there only about 4000 left of us after this last reorg and there will only be 500 left after this next go around???

If Brennan announced publicly last month that another 3500 PSS jobs will be slashed, how many of us will be left? Am I missing something or are there only about 4000 left of us after this last reorg and there will only be 500 left after this next go around???
Plus contract reps, that sounds about right. But, the good news is we will only need 50 DSMs and 6 RSDs.

This is the trend that all big pharma is going to. Keeping a small amount of company reps and having a huge number of contract sales. It make sense. If you dont see the writing on the wall then too bad. The days of huge paychecks and all of the benefits are OVER. Prepare and dont over commit yourself and stay on a budget. Obama and the other legislators are seeing to it that over payed jobs are brought down to an economic level comparable to other employment sectors. Kind of like a socialistic society. Learn it. Live it Love it. It is what it is.

This is the trend that all big pharma is going to. Keeping a small amount of company reps and having a huge number of contract sales. It make sense. If you dont see the writing on the wall then too bad. The days of huge paychecks and all of the benefits are OVER. Prepare and dont over commit yourself and stay on a budget. Obama and the other legislators are seeing to it that over payed jobs are brought down to an economic level comparable to other employment sectors. Kind of like a socialistic society. Learn it. Live it Love it. It is what it is.

Until we shit can uncle Bo and his giant ears....

Until we shit can uncle Bo and his giant ears....

Yes, blame everything on Obama. I can't get it up-- Obama's fault. My wife won't sleep with me-- Obama's fault. I've gained 40 pounds in the last year-- Obama's fault. You are a simple-minded idiot. Do you really think that if a Republican administration is voted back in office the tide will turn and thousands of pharma jobs will come back? That the pipeline will all of the sudden be jam-packed with blockbuster drugs? No, major corporations will realize they can get by with half of their former workforce and spew a "leaner is meaner" philosophy. This is the new economy, my friend.

This is the trend that all big pharma is going to. Keeping a small amount of company reps and having a huge number of contract sales. It make sense. If you dont see the writing on the wall then too bad. The days of huge paychecks and all of the benefits are OVER. Prepare and dont over commit yourself and stay on a budget. Obama and the other legislators are seeing to it that over payed jobs are brought down to an economic level comparable to other employment sectors. Kind of like a socialistic society. Learn it. Live it Love it. It is what it is.

Wow! You're blaming the President for this? It's Barack Obama's fault that AZ has no pipeline, and a huge patent cliff? Wow!

Not for AZ woes, but for all of this industry...Healthcare.....Look at the big picture...we are all going to pay for Obama care. See it now and get your head out of the sand!

Not for AZ woes, but for all of this industry...Healthcare.....Look at the big picture...we are all going to pay for Obama care. See it now and get your head out of the sand!

Again, Its President Obama's Fault that the industry is being struck with a tidal wave of patent expirations? Is it the Presidents fault that the industry overhired in the last 10-15 years, to the point where many large companies had has many as 3-5 reps selling the same products to the same doctors. Well, if you were hired in the last 10-15 years your hiring was really the problem.

"Obamacare" will cost the average large pharma company, about 500MM a year, and they volunteered this. 500MM is mere change in the pockets of these companies, and pales in comparison to the Billions in profits that they each reap from the federal govt alone. On the otherv hand, the patent expiration account for billions of dollars a year, for each. The loss of Seroquel alone will cost AZ about 6 billion annually. Lastly, if reps are being fired, clearly they are not needed. Companies don't chop off positions that actually generate revenue.

The pharma sales rep is a do nothing job, especially when reps from the same company are tripping all over themselves to enter the same office. Companies are just being smart by firing these highly paid part timers, and are responding to the error of their ways.

Yes, blame everything on Obama. I can't get it up-- Obama's fault. My wife won't sleep with me-- Obama's fault. I've gained 40 pounds in the last year-- Obama's fault. You are a simple-minded idiot. Do you really think that if a Republican administration is voted back in office the tide will turn and thousands of pharma jobs will come back? That the pipeline will all of the sudden be jam-packed with blockbuster drugs? No, major corporations will realize they can get by with half of their former workforce and spew a "leaner is meaner" philosophy. This is the new economy, my friend.

I bet you are the first one to say "It is Bush's fault"

You ARE the loser of the day. congrats loser!!!!!!

Yes, blame everything on Obama. I can't get it up-- Obama's fault. My wife won't sleep with me-- Obama's fault. I've gained 40 pounds in the last year-- Obama's fault. You are a simple-minded idiot. Do you really think that if a Republican administration is voted back in office the tide will turn and thousands of pharma jobs will come back? That the pipeline will all of the sudden be jam-packed with blockbuster drugs? No, major corporations will realize they can get by with half of their former workforce and spew a "leaner is meaner" philosophy. This is the new economy, my friend.

Agreed - not to mention manufacturing plants left in the USA will relocate to right to work states like SC. Look at Boeing, BMW, Baush and Lomb etc. They pay less in those states and workers put up with the low pay. That will continue no matter which administration is empowered.

They are rich, you are trying to hang onto being middle class existance and they do not care for you or about you.

Blame it on yourself.....for not becoming independantly rich.

I bet you are the first one to say "It is Bush's fault"

You ARE the loser of the day. congrats loser!!!!!!

Stop whining and go get a real job. Yes you will make less money and you will have to work for your paycheck. Time to grow up and get over yourself. Or maybe do something with your life and go back to school and become a pharmacist or a doctor. You know this is a bullshit job and if you don't you are lazy and an underachiever.

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