The transition/transformation is over. Any complaints about management has been recorded and any managers that needed to be replaced were replaced.
All that is left is for the current employees to create value for the company. Mass hiring is no longer possible. Mass layoffs are unlikely.
To maximize the current workforce to return value for the company everyone's job description and daily activities need to be scrutinized. Any activities that do not align with returning maximum value for the company need to be eliminated.
Current development products are of maximum priority for this company and delivering the new products within the required timelines is of critical importance for our success. Therefore, making sure everyone's job descriptions, goals and objectives and daily activities are aligned with the completion of these development goals is needed.
|n R&D there are a lot of activites that are not focused on getting the development projects completed on time. In reality, meetings, side projects, conferences, unnecessary travel, work on projects that have nothing to do with meeting the timelines of priority development projects, unending method development activities, SOP development, and unnecessary research all detract from our needed goal of finishing the development projects on time meeting the required design goals. In total, I would estimate that only 40% of R&D activity is spent on completing the development projects within the required timelines.
R&D does not lack talent. R&D has some of the best people who are motivated to produce new products for our company. We just need to get this talent focused on the right activities. How do we do this. Getting more people on the development projects would be a start. Getting more peoples goals and objectives tied to development timelines would be another. Making sure all of the functional managers have their goals tied to meeting development dates would also help. Checking the actual activites that people are working on (not what they say they are working on) and make sure the activities aliign with R&D priorites would be another.
We are in a critical time for our company and we have to achieve our goals for meeting the timelines for our pipeline of development projects. We have a great work force of talented and motivated employees. If we could just focus this talent and energy and change from 40% of R&D activities working to achieve development timelines to 90 to 95% we should be able to launch some great new products soon.
All that is left is for the current employees to create value for the company. Mass hiring is no longer possible. Mass layoffs are unlikely.
To maximize the current workforce to return value for the company everyone's job description and daily activities need to be scrutinized. Any activities that do not align with returning maximum value for the company need to be eliminated.
Current development products are of maximum priority for this company and delivering the new products within the required timelines is of critical importance for our success. Therefore, making sure everyone's job descriptions, goals and objectives and daily activities are aligned with the completion of these development goals is needed.
|n R&D there are a lot of activites that are not focused on getting the development projects completed on time. In reality, meetings, side projects, conferences, unnecessary travel, work on projects that have nothing to do with meeting the timelines of priority development projects, unending method development activities, SOP development, and unnecessary research all detract from our needed goal of finishing the development projects on time meeting the required design goals. In total, I would estimate that only 40% of R&D activity is spent on completing the development projects within the required timelines.
R&D does not lack talent. R&D has some of the best people who are motivated to produce new products for our company. We just need to get this talent focused on the right activities. How do we do this. Getting more people on the development projects would be a start. Getting more peoples goals and objectives tied to development timelines would be another. Making sure all of the functional managers have their goals tied to meeting development dates would also help. Checking the actual activites that people are working on (not what they say they are working on) and make sure the activities aliign with R&D priorites would be another.
We are in a critical time for our company and we have to achieve our goals for meeting the timelines for our pipeline of development projects. We have a great work force of talented and motivated employees. If we could just focus this talent and energy and change from 40% of R&D activities working to achieve development timelines to 90 to 95% we should be able to launch some great new products soon.