
Pull your funds from Lilly PAC and spread the word to your friends. We all know our money is going toward supporting a wildly unpopular (and twice declared unconstituational) health care bill (talk about only caring about yourself and screwing the country!), opposing a wildly popular effort in Indiana to oppose illegal immigration (again Lilly screwing the country!), supporting Harry Reid's past campaign (could there be a more corrupt politician?) and the laundry list of liberal causes goes on and on. Our leadership is liberal, they suck, they support issues and causes that the vast majority of their employees oppose - and we who know better can teach them a lesson - defund Lilly PAC, bring it to its knees.

Pull your funds from Lilly PAC and spread the word to your friends. We all know our money is going toward supporting a wildly unpopular (and twice declared unconstituational) health care bill (talk about only caring about yourself and screwing the country!), opposing a wildly popular effort in Indiana to oppose illegal immigration (again Lilly screwing the country!), supporting Harry Reid's past campaign (could there be a more corrupt politician?) and the laundry list of liberal causes goes on and on. Our leadership is liberal, they suck, they support issues and causes that the vast majority of their employees oppose - and we who know better can teach them a lesson - defund Lilly PAC, bring it to its knees.

You are talking to a Labour Union at Lilly?

Is there any person in this whole wide world who would give John L. some cash to spend however he sees fit?

Giving to the LillyPAC is the same thing.

Stop it! Stop it now!