time for this whole board to go. Somebody has to take notice that they are way overspending for very small products which have very specific applications. They overpay to buy and sell at rebate the imaging division. Hope investors wise up and see that this ship is rudderless, the smoke and mirrors doesn't work any more. Poor reps that have been affected by all this quest for greed. You know it's not happening when after your stock takes a nosedive you announce a purchase but the stock doesn't respond. Sure it goes up a little down a little but those are the arbitragers at work.
Large institutional stock holders wake up ask for accountability. If his goal is to sell the company then so be it but no sound minded CEO will pay a premium for a company that mortgaged it's future with 2 ridiculously overpriced purchases with inconclusive drugs and overpricing of the drug of the other.
It takes cojones, very very large ones to tell the FDA to go shine shoes. Hope they don't expect cooperation later.
Large institutional stock holders wake up ask for accountability. If his goal is to sell the company then so be it but no sound minded CEO will pay a premium for a company that mortgaged it's future with 2 ridiculously overpriced purchases with inconclusive drugs and overpricing of the drug of the other.
It takes cojones, very very large ones to tell the FDA to go shine shoes. Hope they don't expect cooperation later.