What happen to Tim, Noon and Pardinas.
Willy definitely was crazy but what about Tim. The only katke left.
Willy definitely was crazy but what about Tim. The only katke left.
Wow this is sad news it will be strange not to have any Katke's in the company. I agree they don't want any former management working at the company. Mike Kuhlman got fired also! Sad day for Metagenics.
Yes and I heard Tim's area was the only area growing at Meta. Wow!
Pardinas was really good. He was the only one who would provide strategy and direction. Sales was sinking before he arrived, he turned it around, and now that he is gone, they are in trouble again. Pardinas was the guy who formalized the Strategic Account department. Tim followed his direction.
Tim is a GREAT guy and does not deserve anyone saying anything bad about him. He ALWAYS supported the sales team and the sales management team. I hope he is doing something that he loves.
As a former long-time Metagenics employee, who likes & respects the folks who actually keep the company running & uses many of their brands, I can say that Tim, Dave & Willy were all very decent folks. Tim K is an absolutely up-standing guy. Re Willy: yes, his confident ambitious manner is not everyone's cup-of-tea; especially true for insecure Machiavellis who find this type of behavior very threatening (they prefer ingratiating sycophants). In any event, it's a matter of fact (however inconvenient) that during his leadership, the Americas' bottom-line was significantly improved.
Btw, the terms on which they initially terminated Dave N is beyond reprehensible. For the sake of their consciences & karmic retribution, I sincerely hope the senior executives running that three-ringed circus re-consider their treatment of Dave and see it as the scandal that it truly is. If not, beware the bad "juju" covering the entire company like a pall covering a casket.
If you're currently at Metagenics, remember this one fact: what happened to these fellas can just as easily happen to you, regardless. Peace-out.
As a physician and long-time user of Metagenics products I am sorry to see these three chaps go. Tim Katke was probably the only katke I liked - he was an endearing fellow. Dave Noon I met on one or two occasions and found him to be very clever. I felt that what he did for Metagenics was what should have been done for Metagenics all along. And Mr Willy, I felt when he arrived he gave purpose to everyone and the company. I alway felt Metagenics was rudderless until Mr Willy got there. And frankly, he surrounded himself with talented people like Dave and Tim. Now I know why Mr Willy has not come around to see me. He always wanted to please the customer. I will say that I am using Metagenics products a lot less now. I am certain that the Board of Metagenics must be scratching there heads about how they let Mr Will and his team go whilst keeping the darwin-to-be extinct current leaders. Who is running the show now? I feel that they are sinking the ship.
Where you the one caught blowing Tim, you FAG