tier II

You are so full of it...

Tier 1 is for is generic products mostly. So you will have to wait until, 2030 to see a generic Vascepa...
Tier 2 is the best a drug can achieve to maximize profits. which is what Amarin is getting on for vascepa now.

So please, get lost basher

Tier 1

Lowest Copay $
Tier 1 is primarily made up of generic drugs. These drugs contain the same active ingredients as their brand-name counterparts. Tier 1 may also include brand-name drugs that the plan has determined to be more effective, less costly or to have fewer side effects than similar medications.

Tier 2 Middle Copay $$
Tier 2 is primarily made up of brand-name drugs for which generic equivalents are not available. These drugs have been selected by the plan based on review of the relative safety, effectiveness and cost of the many brand-name drugs on the market. Tier 2 may also include generic drugs that the plan has determined to be more costly than their brand name alternatives.

Tier 3 Highest Copay $$$
Tier 3 is made up of drugs that the plan has not included in Tier 1 or Tier 2.

Well, I'll be...

"Managed Care Update: VASCEPA® (icosapent ethyl) now available (Tier 2) on Express Scripts, Inc./MEDCO National Formularies

Dear Pharmacist:"


Spoke with one of managed care folks today and they said Caremark and ESI are always Open formularies meaning drug will be covered. Our issue is with managed care PLANS who are either not reimbursing Vascepa or are thinking of placing a Step Edit on us. That will be the back breaket, Step edits and PA's. We need to access and not sure what HQ is doing.

Cater a lunch?
That does not jive with new Medicare Regulations
Lunch can only be for the decision maker, and no greater than $25.00

If greater than $25.00 must be reported to Medicare

Are any of these patients on Medicare?

Fran is a brilliant guy who knows more about omega threes than anyone of your docs. He is a professional and not a salesman. If you all knew what you're doing you wouldn't have zero sales. The msls at amarin are the best in the industry.

Cater a lunch?
That does not jive with new Medicare Regulations
Lunch can only be for the decision maker, and no greater than $25.00

If greater than $25.00 must be reported to Medicare

Are any of these patients on Medicare?

Wouldnt matter if they are on Medicare as we are not covered by Med D Health Plans. Again, lack of access is going to kill us as Glaxo has coverage and we are not there. Good luck.

Wouldn't matter - are you familiar with the Federal Regulations?
Do you understand them?

In a nutshell, if you bring in a lunch, take the MD golfing, etc. the cost of this
"entertainment" is built into the cost of the drug/device/service and in effect,
Medicare is paying for this entertainment, and the MD's name will come up on
a National Registry.

So, If the office orders enough lunch to feed the whole building, and you tag the MD with it you will both be on the radar, and liable to Medicare -

Wouldnt matter if they are on Medicare as we are not covered by Med D Health Plans. Again, lack of access is going to kill us as Glaxo has coverage and we are not there. Good luck.

We? If you really did work for Amarin you would know there is Part D coverage

ExpressScripts Medicare Part D
CVS Silverscripts
AARP/United Healthcare

to name a few