Thumb on the scale Ken tells you how to obey


Gee Ken every time you where measured who put that extra thumb on the scale ? Free college, victim privilege help with admissions, must be the correct color promotion, can’t criticize fragile under represented people, may not perform but you know “first in the family”.

so now everyone should obey you ? Only you know what’s “right” ? Coddled victim special privilege fraud !!


I just think it's wrong to use a bullhorn with your company sticker advertisement.

Ken is out in June. His wild fascination with being a social justice warrior and his timing are peculiar.

The fact of the matter is not everyone at the company agrees with the common sense approach of producing an ID to prove you are who you actually say you are. This is not at all far-fetched.

The Merck campus requires ID. Going into a Merck lab requires ID. Going to a company meeting requires ID. The plane ride requires ID. Driving a Merck vehicle? Requires ID.

Ken is completely out of line and should be fired for a policy violation as an agent of the company inducing people to perhaps think differently about Georgia and could be causing irreparable harm to its people or its economy. As a matter of statute, I challenge the Merck compliance department to apply equal treatment using this standard.

I just think it's wrong to use a bullhorn with your company sticker advertisement.

Ken is out in June. His wild fascination with being a social justice warrior and his timing are peculiar.

The fact of the matter is not everyone at the company agrees with the common sense approach of producing an ID to prove you are who you actually say you are. This is not at all far-fetched.

The Merck campus requires ID. Going into a Merck lab requires ID. Going to a company meeting requires ID. The plane ride requires ID. Driving a Merck vehicle? Requires ID.

Ken is completely out of line and should be fired for a policy violation as an agent of the company inducing people to perhaps think differently about Georgia and could be causing irreparable harm to its people or its economy. As a matter of statute, I challenge the Merck compliance department to apply equal treatment using this standard.
good post, well stated. I don't care what Ken's politics are, but taking partisan political positions as the Merck CEO is wrong, represents potential public harm to the companies reputation and alienates 50% of employees. You want to be a partisan politician, a social justice warrior? Have at it, AFTER you retire.

good post, well stated. I don't care what Ken's politics are, but taking partisan political positions as the Merck CEO is wrong, represents potential public harm to the companies reputation and alienates 50% of employees. You want to be a partisan politician, a social justice warrior? Have at it, AFTER you retire.

Ken uses his thumb on me as he swallows

good post, well stated. I don't care what Ken's politics are, but taking partisan political positions as the Merck CEO is wrong, represents potential public harm to the companies reputation and alienates 50% of employees. You want to be a partisan politician, a social justice warrior? Have at it, AFTER you retire.

Millennials and Generation Z care about Social Justice issues. They know the power of “selective buying” and choosing where to spend their dollars. Every CEO is speaking out. Nothing personal. They see dollar signs and the unchangeable and unstoppable Demographic shift in America. These companies aren’t taking that stance out the kindness of their hearts. This is about the rising Minority Majority.

I guess he doesn't. Such basic logic, everyone should be able to understand that.
replying to your own message I see, lame...of course working at Merck not protected, but do you want a company of people who think the same? Is that part of the diversity push? Not convinced you are smart enough to see the irony there...

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