Throwing Mud Against the Wall


I was the one who made the comment about Rob "throwing mud against the wall." You came back and said that "I couldn't even throw mud against the wall." Interesting. You are right I was an absolute failure under the parameters of what Castle expected but I am a success at toxicology sales outside of the parameters of Castle. In fact I found success shortly after I was let go by Castle. My business has been growing ever since. Not all of the people you let go and have tried independent sales have succeeded. Many have found legitimate jobs outside of toxicology. I know a couple who have been hired by legitimate salary paying labs and are doing well. You "get it people are let go." You clearly do not get it. When a company hires you and provides a salary, training and tools to do your job there is an expectation that you will work hard and your company will reward you. This does not happen at Castle. When people are successful before and after Castle but not while with Castle the problem is Castle not the sales people. Now do you get it?