Throwing in the towel


WP hired the CEO and Chairman to sell the company. They prolonged the process long enough to make a huge income off their yearly salaries. Now WP is tired of the games and has hired Goldman Sachs to do what they payed the CEO and Chairman to do years ago.

What does Goldman Sachs have the the CEO and Chairman don't have? Goldman Sachs has to keep its reputation so will need to give an honest appraisal of the worth of the company (with a premium to pay their large fees of course).

WP must know the game is up and if they keep the company any longer the worth of the company will plummet. Might be a good buy for someone at the right price. If purchased at the wrong price this company will take them down and frustrate them as much as it did to WP.
The new owners will not care about who you are or how well you performed for B+L over the years. They will look to see how many people have the same job and out you go. Look now or forever wish you looked before you got laid off.

It is easier to find a job when you have a job then when you do not have a job.
The new owners will not care about who you are or how well you performed for B+L over the years. They will look to see how many people have the same job and out you go. Look now or forever wish you looked before you got laid off.

It is easier to find a job when you have a job then when you do not have a job.

I'm sorry you got laid off last June. We know who you are now get off our board and stop stirring things up just because B&L didn't want you.
I'm sorry you got laid off last June. We know who you are now get off our board and stop stirring things up just because B&L didn't want you.

So only B+L employees that state the company (management) line own this board. Why don't you just start your own board and filter out all of the comments that you don't like. It is a policy they also like to do in China and Russia where freedom of speech is limited.

My suggestion to you is that you move to China as you have no right being in this country if you are against freedom of speech and advocate for an authoritarian gov't that controls the internet.
I'm sorry you got laid off last June. We know who you are now get off our board and stop stirring things up just because B&L didn't want you.[/QUOTE

Yes SA, please go away. All know you are like annoying fly. Even at your new company, you cross the line of inappropriate.

Could you please define what you believe is inappropriate? Sometime the truth hurts, particularly to people who are trying to get away with telling a devious lie.
Clearly, this company needs to be sold for a fair price or else B+L employees will suffer. If sold for too much the new company will have to layoff to pay for the loan the buyer had to take out to make the purchase.
It will take a year to sell this company. It is like putting your house up for sale in a bad market. You first ask for 1 million then 6months later 700,000 and one year later 500,000. Why would someone buy now when they know in a year they can buy for a fraction of the initial sale cost.

One year from now an IPO will be filed.
WP have always been looking for a 20% return, yoy. Buying at $2.5B means that in 5 years they want $6B. Don't forget that B+L has been plugged into other WP entities. B+L outgoing expenses have been circling back into WP and will continue to do so even after the sale. I suspect that even if B+L goes for the same price $2.5B, WP still has their 20% and has cornered all the cash flow. Great strategy, makes lemonade out of silage.