Thread for the Facts

Facts...what are those?

This information on this forum will never be trustworthy because postings are open and anonymous.

Looks like July 12th inst happening, which leads me to believe Sept 23rd wont be the day either. Good luck to you all whenever these cuts actually occur.

The biggest problem is that the people that are acutally on cafepharma have no idea what the facts are. This thread is great in theroy...but not possible in practice.

It actually makes sense. People were clearly pulling July 12th out of their a$$ so why would you assume anything other then people pulling September 23rd out of their a$$ as well.

I am thinking July 22nd - 24th is when this goes down

Here's what's happening. There have been multiple discussions over the final structure. We B+L folks were at the Valeant NJ site for all to see. B+L is fighting for their take on the organization structure. Remember we have 3 more or less separate biz units, each fairly independent, whereas Valeant has some centralized functions. So you have leadership from both sides pushing hard. It is closed to being ironed out.

So, after that is done, the structure is filled up with people, and both sides again fighting over who gets slotted where. This can take a week or so...MP they say always wants it done as fast as possible, so if they can do it faster it gets done faster. Once the positions are filled with people, HR has to start their work getting packages put together...and a few offer letters, too. Most who are let go will be let go within days of getting their package. A few get contracts to stay a bit longer.

Ain't no way that's going to take until September 23. Figure more like Labor Day +/- a week. And if MP can get it done sooner, that will be done sooner, too.