Thoughts on Prollenium?


A friend of a friend has been approachef by Prollenium to join their team. I am a bit skeptical about what prollenium promised and can’t find many reviews on the company. Most of the reviews seem planted by prollenium so thought I would ask here. Prollenium does not even get a cafepharma forum?

A friend of a friend has been approachef by Prollenium to join their team. I am a bit skeptical about what prollenium promised and can’t find many reviews on the company. Most of the reviews seem planted by prollenium so thought I would ask here. Prollenium does not even get a cafepharma forum?
They are super new and came out of Canada. From what I heard they just got FDA approval and will probably be heavily recruiting in Q1. New to US (and I think to market) so you probably won’t find much

A friend of a friend has been approachef by Prollenium to join their team. I am a bit skeptical about what prollenium promised and can’t find many reviews on the company. Most of the reviews seem planted by prollenium so thought I would ask here. Prollenium does not even get a cafepharma forum?
You can find comments about prollenium under competitors, on revance channels, merz, allergan. Most comments are very negative about management, shady commercial deals, how they sell cheap fillers only, problems with fda. A “friend of a friend” tells me to run away from them as even galderma in the US is better than prollenium.

A friend of a friend has been approachef by Prollenium to join their team. I am a bit skeptical about what prollenium promised and can’t find many reviews on the company. Most of the reviews seem planted by prollenium so thought I would ask here. Prollenium does not even get a cafepharma forum?
Ex Prollenium employee here. And no, I’m not writing this to be vindictive. Ok well maybe a little vindictive. Tell your friends friend to run far and fast from Prollenium. No new products that matter in years and who knows when if at all they will get any. Talk on the street is that Shape will not be approved by the FDA this year. But hey, if your friends friend is hot on selling lip plumpers and cannulas maybe they should go for it! I don’t even think I got paid for selling those now that I think about it. I guess that money went to buy the CEO, Ario a new Lamborghini, but only after he terminated a few people, because that seems to be his modus operandi. I think he gets himself off in his new sports car while he listens to people getting terminated. He seems like that kind of man. I heard they just had a manager resign which would be a first. Typically when managers begin to leave a company, that tells you something. Run.

Ex Prollenium employee here. And no, I’m not writing this to be vindictive. Ok well maybe a little vindictive. Tell your friends friend to run far and fast from Prollenium. No new products that matter in years and who knows when if at all they will get any. Talk on the street is that Shape will not be approved by the FDA this year. But hey, if your friends friend is hot on selling lip plumpers and cannulas maybe they should go for it! I don’t even think I got paid for selling those now that I think about it. I guess that money went to buy the CEO, Ario a new Lamborghini, but only after he terminated a few people, because that seems to be his modus operandi. I think he gets himself off in his new sports car while he listens to people getting terminated. He seems like that kind of man. I heard they just had a manager resign which would be a first. Typically when managers begin to leave a company, that tells you something. Run.
Another former employee here. Run as fast as you can. Prollenium is shady as a company and its leaders are horrible human beings. Not to mention that being employed by a company that sells fake toxins, promotes off-label and pay their employees commission for that, and cannot get the FDA to approve another product will destroy your professional reputation.

Ex Prollenium employee here. And no, I’m not writing this to be vindictive. Ok well maybe a little vindictive. Tell your friends friend to run far and fast from Prollenium. No new products that matter in years and who knows when if at all they will get any. Talk on the street is that Shape will not be approved by the FDA this year. But hey, if your friends friend is hot on selling lip plumpers and cannulas maybe they should go for it! I don’t even think I got paid for selling those now that I think about it. I guess that money went to buy the CEO, Ario a new Lamborghini, but only after he terminated a few people, because that seems to be his modus operandi. I think he gets himself off in his new sports car while he listens to people getting terminated. He seems like that kind of man. I heard they just had a manager resign which would be a first. Typically when managers begin to leave a company, that tells you something. Run.
This is true. Worked at prollenium and was let go at the end of 2022, along with a bunch of other employees, during holiday season - no warning, no reason, no severance and no benefits. When I pushed for a reason, all mark said is that it was not his decision, that the company was being managed by stupid people in Canada who only knew about spreadsheets. At the same time we were being thrown on the streets, Ario was posting pictures of his new million dollar car… what a sensitive act -so much care for the people he leads… not!
I then called HR in Canada and they had no idea we were not getting any severance and at least they reversed that and we got something retroactively.
Bottom line: don’t join unless you wanted to be treated like garbage.

They are super new and came out of Canada. From what I heard they just got FDA approval and will probably be heavily recruiting in Q1. New to US (and I think to market) so you probably won’t find much
They have been around since 2017 or 2018. Mostly sells to medspas, basement injectors and to off label clinics (under eye, dicks, BBL, boobs). Cheap fillers and only have one product as fda now refuses to approve their other products they have in Canada. Not sure about the quality of their filler, just heard that it is harder to dissolve. Prollenium is know for being shady.

No wonder our society is in the shitter. Shallow people get cheap bob jobs, loaded their faces with fillers, and racking up record credit card debt. We are totally. F’d up as a society. Sodom and Gomorrah hot and stinky on a hot summer day.

I don’t care what elon would call me. I do however know what everyone at prollenium and merz calls you and it ain’t nice. Shady marky is just the beginning. Go smoke elon’s cigar!
Mark is so dumb. All you need to do to manipulate him: if you are male, just give a sad story about how you need to support your family as only a man can do that and together you need to keep toxic masculinity alive… if you are a female, just cry tell him how much you need him, how great and powerful he is, and bat your eye lashes…… if you are a member of the LGBTQ community run for your life as shady mark hates them all and so does prollenium.

Not going to repeat what has already been written.
Will add that territories, quotas and commissions at prollenium are murky. Mark wilkins gives the good territories to his puppets, there is one account manager who is allowed to poach sales from a rep territory if he feels like it, commission payments and sales allocations are aleatory and Mark will pay you what he wants (so you need to suck up to him to get paid). Accounts know about this and play reps against each other to get better deals. I am glad I left as it was unbearable.

A friend of a friend has been approachef by Prollenium to join their team. I am a bit skeptical about what prollenium promised and can’t find many reviews on the company. Most of the reviews seem planted by prollenium so thought I would ask here. Prollenium does not even get a cafepharma forum?
Hahaha! Classic. Welcome to Prollenium, you don’t get shit! Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction!

A friend of a friend has been approachef by Prollenium to join their team. I am a bit skeptical about what prollenium promised and can’t find many reviews on the company. Most of the reviews seem planted by prollenium so thought I would ask here. Prollenium does not even get a cafepharma forum?

Well if they have no injectable experience and want to get some maybe. However they only allow you to miss two quarters and then you’re fired. Doesn’t matter if other reps are stealing from you with pseudo shipping addresses to benefit them. Management likes shady. Just look at Pierre and most of the Pclub winners. They steal, lie and hurt others.

With Evolus and others coming out either fillers and tox, it would be my recommendation unless you are willing to sleep with bosses, be super racist and steal.