Thoughts on Nuplazid for DRP


I may be interested in the LTC Sales Specialist position but my main reservation is around the controversy surrounding Nuplazid and the deaths in Parkinson's patients. Why would this perception change for DRP patients and would this make it a difficult sell? Thanks in advance for intelligent and candid replies from existing LTC reps.

Original poster- whatever information you have is wayyy incomplete. If you get an offer take it!
It’s not wayyy incomplete dumb ass. Let’s do a trial against placebo and make up our own scale to make the data look good. Let’s be honest, the drug takes a while to kick in and at some point it wears off. Ask any psych and they will confirm this. Get off your high horse and pray you get bought out, which is why most of the people have stuck around. Waiting for a pay day $$$ which is what was promised 4 years ago.