Thoughts on Iran...


Well-Known Member


As usual, your faulty thinking causes you to make a fool of yourself.

An accurate analogy is this: allowing Iran to have nukes is like passing out guns in a mental hospital. But yes, in general the truth is unassailable that guns don’t kill people, people do which is why Iran being led by crazy and unstable zealots has no business with the bomb.

Class dismissed!

As usual, your faulty thinking causes you to make a fool of yourself.

An accurate analogy is this: allowing Iran to have nukes is like passing out guns in a mental hospital. But yes, in general the truth is unassailable that guns don’t kill people, people do which is why Iran being led by crazy and unstable zealots has no business with the bomb.

Class dismissed!

As populists rather than globalists we do not make international law.

Ouch, left a mark. :)

Nope! I couldn’t care less about international law but actually being the moral conscience of the world we make an international law that matters!

Ouch! That really left a mark! :p

LMFAO - How are we the moral conscience of the world? Who appointed us to that position? If that was the case, we'd clean up the mess in Central America and the cartels in Mexico. You're dreaming Sparky. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and NOKO has them. But we were selected to tell Iran they can't have them? Har de har har. They can simply BUY them form Pakistan Dumbo. This is a fucking joke and another campaign stunt.

LMFAO - How are we the moral conscience of the world? Who appointed us to that position? If that was the case, we'd clean up the mess in Central America and the cartels in Mexico. You're dreaming Sparky. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and NOKO has them. But we were selected to tell Iran they can't have them? Har de har har. They can simply BUY them form Pakistan Dumbo. This is a fucking joke and another campaign stunt.

How pathetically self-hating and unpatriotic.

If we aren’t the moral conscience of this planet then please tell us who you think is! :rolleyes:

How pathetically self-hating and unpatriotic.

If we aren’t the moral conscience of this planet then please tell us who you think is! :rolleyes:
It's a collective conscience and (unfortunately or not) the majority rules. That's another reason we cannot afford to isolate.

Under no circumstances will we ever allow a mortal threat to Israel. Like it or not - this is and has been our country's position. We will protect Israel at all costs. If Iran needs to become a parking lot and bombed into the stone age after developing a will happen, IMO.

How pathetically self-hating and unpatriotic.

If we aren’t the moral conscience of this planet then please tell us who you think is! :rolleyes:

Who you think you are? A super hero or something, sit up worry about other countries and won't even take care of your own, letting Russian spies destroy it so retarded.:rolleyes:

We are the moral conscience of the world. Case closed. The only majority with any moral authority is the American majority.

Hahahahaha! We may think so, but there is no moral authority in this cesspool of a world. All the countries in the world are really a large circle jerk.
No one has a clue what’s really going on. China, Russia, and the US strive to rule the world, but are too stupid, and politically incompetent to be successful. The EU is too concerned with Brexit, and finding a way for their socialist society to exist without anyone working in a real job. The ME continues their biblical bullshit about who owns which rockpile that began in 200 BC. Oil is their God.’s still the Africa of Tarzan and Jane, now El Shabab and the forty thieves. NOKO, the land of Rocket Man is just a puppet of China.
Australia just minds its own business and enjoys their shrimp on the barbie with an ice cold Foster’s, and allows only a maximum of desirable immigrants to enter to make them look good the the feckless, inept, corrupt. UN.
We all need to just hang on and hope no foolish country fires a nuke in the wrong direction and turns the environment into the Black Deal, vs Green.
Not to worry, though, because OCS, Fat Al Gore, DiCaprio, will find a way to make money when they emerge from their shelter deep in the earth..... or maybe from Mars with Musk and his shitty electric cars.

Hahahahaha! We may think so, but there is no moral authority in this cesspool of a world. All the countries in the world are really a large circle jerk.
No one has a clue what’s really going on. China, Russia, and the US strive to rule the world, but are too stupid, and politically incompetent to be successful. The EU is too concerned with Brexit, and finding a way for their socialist society to exist without anyone working in a real job. The ME continues their biblical bullshit about who owns which rockpile that began in 200 BC. Oil is their God.’s still the Africa of Tarzan and Jane, now El Shabab and the forty thieves. NOKO, the land of Rocket Man is just a puppet of China.
Australia just minds its own business and enjoys their shrimp on the barbie with an ice cold Foster’s, and allows only a maximum of desirable immigrants to enter to make them look good the the feckless, inept, corrupt. UN.
We all need to just hang on and hope no foolish country fires a nuke in the wrong direction and turns the environment into the Black Deal, vs Green.
Not to worry, though, because OCS, Fat Al Gore, DiCaprio, will find a way to make money when they emerge from their shelter deep in the earth..... or maybe from Mars with Musk and his shitty electric cars.

Love my e-car. Got a gas one too for longer trips. E-car market is growing - so fast off the line - gotta work out the batteries - fine for around town. ;)

Translation - e-cars are very limited and very impractical for most people.
You might say that, I would not. I drive them an equal amount of mileage. The limitation of the e car is lengthy trips. The limitation of the gas car is fuel expense, maintenance, handling, ease of parking. I have a friend with a Tesla who drives it on road trips. He gets over 300 miles on a charge. Some of the new hybrids get over 550.

In this day and age, people have 2 homes, 2 televisions, men even 2 girlfriends or women, 2 boyfriends. 2 cars really isn't a BFD anymore. How many cars does your family have? ;)

You might say that, I would not. I drive them an equal amount of mileage. The limitation of the e car is lengthy trips. The limitation of the gas car is fuel expense, maintenance, handling, ease of parking. I have a friend with a Tesla who drives it on road trips. He gets over 300 miles on a charge. Some of the new hybrids get over 550.

In this day and age, people have 2 homes, 2 televisions, men even 2 girlfriends or women, 2 boyfriends. 2 cars really isn't a BFD anymore. How many cars does your family have? ;)

You have 2 cars out of necessity because one is impractical. Having 2 cars as a choice or for other compelling reasons is different. ;);)

Oh, and your limitations of gas cars are bogus and not inherent to e vs gas.

You might say that, I would not. I drive them an equal amount of mileage. The limitation of the e car is lengthy trips. The limitation of the gas car is fuel expense, maintenance, handling, ease of parking. I have a friend with a Tesla who drives it on road trips. He gets over 300 miles on a charge. Some of the new hybrids get over 550.

In this day and age, people have 2 homes, 2 televisions, men even 2 girlfriends or women, 2 boyfriends. 2 cars really isn't a BFD anymore. How many cars does your family have? ;)

It's always nice to have two of everything if you can.:)