I Love America
I Love America
This is interesting from the recent GOP debate. Ron Paul was asked a hypothetical question about a hypothetical man in a hypothetical coma. And Wolf Blitzed asked "would you rather he died" to which someone in the audience yelled out "YES".
Now in typical liberal fashion, they are shitting their collective pants over it, wringing their hands and kvetching all over the place. Hissyfit Matthews on Oddballis beside himself and Al "Race Hustler" Sharpton is indignant.
But, when it comes to REAL patients in REAL comas, left wingers don't mind killing them off. Odd isn't it?
Now in typical liberal fashion, they are shitting their collective pants over it, wringing their hands and kvetching all over the place. Hissyfit Matthews on Oddballis beside himself and Al "Race Hustler" Sharpton is indignant.
But, when it comes to REAL patients in REAL comas, left wingers don't mind killing them off. Odd isn't it?