Thoughts and Prayers Texas


Nice meaningless sentiment used all too often. Thoughts and prayers Sandy Hook, thoughts and prayers Parkland, etc. Rude unless following it up with change which not happening.

Nice meaningless sentiment used all too often. Thoughts and prayers Sandy Hook, thoughts and prayers Parkland, etc. Rude unless following it up with change which not happening.

Don’t forget the daily murders in our urban centers…which sadly includes children…these types of shootings though seem to be ignored for some reason

Don’t forget the daily murders in our urban centers…which sadly includes children…these types of shootings though seem to be ignored for some reason

You don’t give a crap about urban centers just like I could care less about crimes in “middle America” or “fentanyl and opioid crimes”.

Seriously... the lazy " Thoughts and Prayers " comments after yet another school massacre?

Voters are keeping the politicians that won't change our gun laws in power.

Does a turf war affect you? Does poor Yt trash robbing for opioids do? Now what in the fuck that has to do with school shootings?

I live in an Urban area so yes, both do …does location of where an innocent child is murdered matter?…seems you only care when they are murdered at school…not sitting on a porch, playground, walking on a street etc….a child murdered at place they should be safe like a school or church is horrible but they should also be safe on a porch, playground etc…children should be safe everywhere but you only seem to care when it fits your political narrative

I live in an Urban area so yes, both do …does location of where an innocent child is murdered matter?…seems you only care when they are murdered at school…not sitting on a porch, playground, walking on a street etc….a child murdered at place they should be safe like a school or church is horrible but they should also be safe on a porch, playground etc…children should be safe everywhere but you only seem to care when it fits your political narrative

Poppycock, Jim. You’ve never interacted with an “urban” person outside the few that work for the company. There is YT on YT, Asian on Asian, Mexican and Mexican crime. People commit crimes on whoever they live by. It’s BS kids can’t even go to school because statistics show it’s little Jim Jr that goes crazy and does these shootings.

Poppycock, Jim. You’ve never interacted with an “urban” person outside the few that work for the company. There is YT on YT, Asian on Asian, Mexican and Mexican crime. People commit crimes on whoever they live by. It’s BS kids can’t even go to school because statistics show it’s little Jim Jr that goes crazy and does these shootings.

Get rid of or severely restrict AR15 type rifles. I'm a grown man. If I have a cold, I can't buy 2 boxes of Sudafed because people make meth which is dangerous to society. But a kid can buy 2 AR15s and 365 rounds of ammunition without an extensive background check?