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Thought I might have seen UFOs last night


There were about 12 bright lights moving in together in a row...one behind the other. They looked like low orbit satellites flying in a row (like a train). It turns out, that's exactly what they are.


They are Space-X's new and obnoxious train of satellites in space - the beginnings of an orbital network of transceivers for providing global internet access. Of course, satellite internet already exists, and it exists without destroying the natural look of the night sky for the entire planet...

Plus, I've been reading that Space-X's plans will effectively destroy Astronomy because of all the moving lights in the sky.

And what is the point of having trains of satellites? It's not necessary to do this for providing internet access... Maybe Elon Musk (his name sounds like an aftershave) wants the whole world to slowly begin to hate him?

The Buck Rogers rockets that can land on their own is great, but let's not screw up the night sky for the entire human race?

Keep going with these rockets however! Maybe in about 20 or 30 years of problem free performance, I might even be willing to travel in one of them!

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There were about 12 bright lights moving in together in a row...one behind the other. They looked like low orbit satellites flying in a row (like a train). It turns out, that's exactly what they are.


They are Space-X's new and obnoxious train of satellites in space - the beginnings of an orbital network of transceivers for providing global internet access. Of course, satellite internet already exists, and it exists without destroying the natural look of the night sky for the entire planet...

Plus, I've been reading that Space-X's plans will effectively destroy Astronomy because of all the moving lights in the sky.

And what is the point of having trains of satellites? It's not necessary to do this for providing internet access... Maybe Elon Musk (his name sounds like an aftershave) wants the whole world to slowly begin to hate him?

The Buck Rogers rockets that can land on their own is great, but let's not screw up the night sky for the entire human race?

Keep going with these rockets however! Maybe in about 20 or 30 years of problem free performance, I might even be willing to travel in one of them!

Ur concern is warranted.

I just found this article from SpaceX claiming that in time, the satellite trains will climb into higher orbits and become less visible - as well as more spread out.


So, am I missing something, or are we supposed to believe that SpaceX has launched batches of 60 satellites (with plans for many more) and they all have rocket engines (or boosters) and they can all climb into higher orbits?

Why do I find this highly unlikely?

I just found this article from SpaceX claiming that in time, the satellite trains will climb into higher orbits and become less visible - as well as more spread out.


So, am I missing something, or are we supposed to believe that SpaceX has launched batches of 60 satellites (with plans for many more) and they all have rocket engines (or boosters) and they can all climb into higher orbits?

Why do I find this highly unlikely?

Hasn't happened yet, might be their idea but hasn't happened yet. Gotta be way on the back burner now.

Hasn't happened yet, might be their idea but hasn't happened yet. Gotta be way on the back burner now.

Thanks Vag. Obviously it hasn't happened yet.

This hasn't stopped them from claiming that it's going to happen. From the article:

"...The bright string-of-pearls view won't last forever, however. The operational altitude of these Starlink satellites is 340 miles (550 km), and they'll make their way up there via thruster firings over the next one to four months, SpaceX representatives wrote in a mission description.

As they climb, the spacecraft will spread out and become dimmer, partly because they'll shift their solar arrays out of a special low-altitude, low-drag orientation.

"Once the satellites reach their operational altitude of 550 km and begin on-station service, their orientation changes and the satellites become significantly less visible from the ground," SpaceX representatives wrote in the mission description..."

So again, the suggestion from SpaceX is that every one of these satellites have "thrusters" on them. The pictures of them sure don't look that way though. And then we're supposed to imagine that they're all going to fire their thrusters and climb a few hundred more km and somehow maintain their order (in a train) while climbing higher and spreading out at the same time?

Is Elan and his brother Brut (https://www.amazon.com/Brut-Musk-Aftershave-100ml-VARIOS/dp/B0018N3I52) just making this stuff up as they go? Is the entire world going to end up stuck with trains of satellites all over the night sky now? I SURE HOPE NOT

Thanks Vag. Obviously it hasn't happened yet.

This hasn't stopped them from claiming that it's going to happen. From the article:

"...The bright string-of-pearls view won't last forever, however. The operational altitude of these Starlink satellites is 340 miles (550 km), and they'll make their way up there via thruster firings over the next one to four months, SpaceX representatives wrote in a mission description.

As they climb, the spacecraft will spread out and become dimmer, partly because they'll shift their solar arrays out of a special low-altitude, low-drag orientation.

"Once the satellites reach their operational altitude of 550 km and begin on-station service, their orientation changes and the satellites become significantly less visible from the ground," SpaceX representatives wrote in the mission description..."

So again, the suggestion from SpaceX is that every one of these satellites have "thrusters" on them. The pictures of them sure don't look that way though. And then we're supposed to imagine that they're all going to fire their thrusters and climb a few hundred more km and somehow maintain their order (in a train) while climbing higher and spreading out at the same time?

Is Elan and his brother Brut (https://www.amazon.com/Brut-Musk-Aftershave-100ml-VARIOS/dp/B0018N3I52) just making this stuff up as they go? Is the entire world going to end up stuck with trains of satellites all over the night sky now? I SURE HOPE NOT
Ok, I’m going to preface this by stating that there are differences in tastes. I don’t want the beauty of the night sky polluted with these satellites either but then I didn’t want the beauty of the landscape spoiled in daylight by those windmill monstrosities either yet they keep springing up all over the place (except where the rich and famous live and can see them) because the green weenie energy types claim we have to have them despite they’re being a blight on the landscape and big time bird killers!

Ok, I’m going to preface this by stating that there are differences in tastes. I don’t want the beauty of the night sky polluted with these satellites either but then I didn’t want the beauty of the landscape spoiled in daylight by those windmill monstrosities either yet they keep springing up all over the place (except where the rich and famous live and can see them) because the green weenie energy types claim we have to have them despite they’re being a blight on the landscape and big time bird killers!

You can escape the windmills by going somewhere else.

Not so with the Satellite trains.

It looks like the plans include up to as many as 30,000 new star link satellites (presumably all in trains of 60) crawling along in very direction all over the planet. That's up to 500 satellite trains (all with 60 satellites) combing the night skies. And you won't be able to simply go somewhere else.

It won't even look like Earth anymore... It will end up looking like something out of a Sci Fi movie. It's a very bad idea. It's not even necessary since we already have satellite internet.

You can escape the windmills by going somewhere else.

Not so with the Satellite trains.

It looks like the plans include up to as many as 30,000 new star link satellites (presumably all in trains of 60) crawling along in very direction all over the planet. That's up to 500 satellite trains (all with 60 satellites) combing the night skies. And you won't be able to simply go somewhere else.

It won't even look like Earth anymore... It will end up looking like something out of a Sci Fi movie. It's a very bad idea. It's not even necessary since we already have satellite internet.
The point is I don’t like either one but you’re assaulted by windmills just traveling about looking around just like if you’re looking up into the night sky, you’ll be assaulted by these things if they proceed with this very bad idea. The point is you better hope we’re more successful than we were with the windmill thing.

The point is I don’t like either one but you’re assaulted by windmills just traveling about looking around just like if you’re looking up into the night sky, you’ll be assaulted by these things if they proceed with this very bad idea. The point is you better hope we’re more successful than we were with the windmill thing.

Yes. I agree.

My point is that these satellite trains are a much bigger problem than the windmills. You CAN escape the windmills (even though there's a lot of them).

There will be NO ESCAPING the satellite trains. They will destroy the night sky for the entire human race...maybe even for many other species of animals (for all we know).

I don't want to live in the Matrix. Thanks anyway.

This is a big problem. So far, I don't see anything reassuring from SpaceX. The world is likely to be paying a very high price for high speed internet from space. It's not going to be worth it.

The Buck Rogers self landing rockets are spectacular...if they could be turned into a safe and proven method of transport some day - that would change the world...even with the sonic boom problems.

But I don't want the rest of Elan and Brut's vision for the future - The Astronomical Community doesn't want it either. Probably more than half of this community is made up of pinhead leftists and atheists and atheist leftists. They better wake up and start fighting the fights that matter here...

Yes. I agree.

My point is that these satellite trains are a much bigger problem than the windmills. You CAN escape the windmills (even though there's a lot of them).

There will be NO ESCAPING the satellite trains. They will destroy the night sky for the entire human race...maybe even for many other species of animals (for all we know).

I don't want to live in the Matrix. Thanks anyway.

This is a big problem. So far, I don't see anything reassuring from SpaceX. The world is likely to be paying a very high price for high speed internet from space. It's not going to be worth it.

The Buck Rogers self landing rockets are spectacular...if they could be turned into a safe and proven method of transport some day - that would change the world...even with the sonic boom problems.

But I don't want the rest of Elan and Brut's vision for the future - The Astronomical Community doesn't want it either. Probably more than half of this community is made up of pinhead leftists and atheists and atheist leftists. They better wake up and start fighting the fights that matter here...
Honestly pinheaded atheists and atheist leftists more trustworthy to me right now vs Trump idiots. He is frightening and is a sociopath who disbanded the pandemic team and thought this was a hoax. Seriously hope you make it through this but many will not. Oh, thought you were for the unborn right??? What about the already born???

Yes. I agree.

My point is that these satellite trains are a much bigger problem than the windmills. You CAN escape the windmills (even though there's a lot of them).

There will be NO ESCAPING the satellite trains. They will destroy the night sky for the entire human race...maybe even for many other species of animals (for all we know).

I don't want to live in the Matrix. Thanks anyway.

This is a big problem. So far, I don't see anything reassuring from SpaceX. The world is likely to be paying a very high price for high speed internet from space. It's not going to be worth it.

The Buck Rogers self landing rockets are spectacular...if they could be turned into a safe and proven method of transport some day - that would change the world...even with the sonic boom problems.

But I don't want the rest of Elan and Brut's vision for the future - The Astronomical Community doesn't want it either. Probably more than half of this community is made up of pinhead leftists and atheists and atheist leftists. They better wake up and start fighting the fights that matter here...
I agree. This is one of the fights we need to forcefully engage in and we need to dismantle the windmills and get serious about pandemic preparations!

I agree. This is one of the fights we need to forcefully engage in and we need to dismantle the windmills and get serious about pandemic preparations!

I see no compelling proof or evidence that Elan and Brut Musk can or will launch their satellite network so that they are not visible from the ground. Currently, there are about 9000 satellites in orbit since the launch of Sputnik (from the very start). Musk wants to launch another 30,000 satellites - That's more than 3 times more satellites than all of the satellites launched since the beginning of satellites. All in trains. Will all 30,000 of these new satellites have "thrusters" so that they can reach higher orbits and thus become invisible to viewers on the ground? I doubt it.

What Musk is trying to do is steal something sacred from every single living human "bean" on the planet...as well as any human bean yet to be born for the next few hundred years. And that sacred thing is the NIGHT SKY. The night sky is a big part of every living man's (or woman's) life. Musk wants to take that away from every single person in the world (presently and well into the future) and then CHARGE you money for his high speed internet access network.

The way I see it, his network should be FREE - since he is willing to screw us all in order to then charge us money from the gains he's made by screwing us all...

Are you following what I'm saying here? And I am a CONSERVATIVE. I love Capitalism, but this is an outrageous abuse of capitalism...it's like the mother of all abuses of capitalism.

Maybe I'm wrong, and the SpaceX trains of thousands of satellites will become invisible...somehow.

I agree. This is one of the fights we need to forcefully engage in and we need to dismantle the windmills and get serious about pandemic preparations!

How would dismantle a windmill going to help with a pandemic? No wait minute this isn't real anyway its just a democratic hoax, just to make Trump look bad.:rolleyes:

I see no compelling proof or evidence that Elan and Brut Musk can or will launch their satellite network so that they are not visible from the ground. Currently, there are about 9000 satellites in orbit since the launch of Sputnik (from the very start). Musk wants to launch another 30,000 satellites - That's more than 3 times more satellites than all of the satellites launched since the beginning of satellites. All in trains. Will all 30,000 of these new satellites have "thrusters" so that they can reach higher orbits and thus become invisible to viewers on the ground? I doubt it.

What Musk is trying to do is steal something sacred from every single living human "bean" on the planet...as well as any human bean yet to be born for the next few hundred years. And that sacred thing is the NIGHT SKY. The night sky is a big part of every living man's (or woman's) life. Musk wants to take that away from every single person in the world (presently and well into the future) and then CHARGE you money for his high speed internet access network.

The way I see it, his network should be FREE - since he is willing to screw us all in order to then charge us money from the gains he's made by screwing us all...

Are you following what I'm saying here? And I am a CONSERVATIVE. I love Capitalism, but this is an outrageous abuse of capitalism...it's like the mother of all abuses of capitalism.

Maybe I'm wrong, and the SpaceX trains of thousands of satellites will become invisible...somehow.

So what do you propose? Government intervention? :eek:

So what do you propose? Government intervention? :eek:

Actually, YES. This is one area where government regulations are warranted.

Suppose I developed a super thin solar panel type device that has the ability to expand it's diameter to thousands of miles...I build this thing in space and then begin harvesting sun light in such a way, that it effectively robs every position on the planet of the sun rise and the sun set....while simultaneously orbiting the earth. This way, I can use this device to rob the entire human race of the sun rise and the sun set in order to collect solar energy that I convert to microwaves so that I can then beam it back to energy processing facilities on the surface...and then charge the human race money for the energy I collected.

For the next 2 or 3 centuries of course, there will no longer be sun rises and sun sets...the sun will be shining one moment, and then just before it's going to set on the horizon, everything goes BLACK. And in the morning, the sky will look as though it's beginning to light up a little bit as the sun begins to rise, but then the sky goes pitch BLACK again...then suddenly the sun is shining well above the horizon again...and this will take place no matter where you happen to be on the planet. NO ESCAPE and no sun rises or sun sets effectively for centuries...

But my company will be there charging you for the electricity that I created by robbing the entire human race of the sun rise and the sun set. So first I take something sacred to every living person on the planet, and then I charge them for the product I was able to create by stealing from everybody...

Call me Doctor Evil... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And forever more I will rob mankind of the sun rise and the sun set...unless you pay me....100 TRILLION-BILLION DOLLARS!

My massive solar arrays will alternate their orientation on a scheduled basis (using millions of thrusters)...I may allow sun rises and sun sets for specific areas and/or groups of people (those for example, who cooperate with me).

Actually, YES. This is one area where government regulations are warranted.

Suppose I developed a super thin solar panel type device that has the ability to expand it's diameter to thousands of miles...I build this thing in space and then begin harvesting sun light in such a way, that it effectively robs every position on the planet of the sun rise and the sun set....while simultaneously orbiting the earth. This way, I can use this device to rob the entire human race of the sun rise and the sun set in order to collect solar energy that I convert to microwaves so that I can then beam it back to energy processing facilities on the surface...and then charge the human race money for the energy I collected.

For the next 2 or 3 centuries of course, there will no longer be sun rises and sun sets...the sun will be shining one moment, and then just before it's going to set on the horizon, everything goes BLACK. And in the morning, the sky will look as though it's beginning to light up a little bit as the sun begins to rise, but then the sky goes pitch BLACK again...then suddenly the sun is shining well above the horizon again...and this will take place no matter where you happen to be on the planet. NO ESCAPE and no sun rises or sun sets effectively for centuries...

But my company will be there charging you for the electricity that I created by robbing the entire human race of the sun rise and the sun set. So first I take something sacred to every living person on the planet, and then I charge them for the product I was able to create by stealing from everybody...

Call me Doctor Evil... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And forever more I will rob mankind of the sun rise and the sun set...unless you pay me....100 TRILLION-BILLION DOLLARS!

My massive solar arrays will alternate their orientation on a scheduled basis (using millions of thrusters)...I may allow sun rises and sun sets for specific areas and/or groups of people (those for example, who cooperate with me).
Excellent post, but V probably still won’t get it. You see he’s so pathetically stupid as to think because we want LIMITED government which stays within constitutional boundaries that we are anarchists.

Actually, YES. This is one area where government regulations are warranted.

Suppose I developed a super thin solar panel type device that has the ability to expand it's diameter to thousands of miles...I build this thing in space and then begin harvesting sun light in such a way, that it effectively robs every position on the planet of the sun rise and the sun set....while simultaneously orbiting the earth. This way, I can use this device to rob the entire human race of the sun rise and the sun set in order to collect solar energy that I convert to microwaves so that I can then beam it back to energy processing facilities on the surface...and then charge the human race money for the energy I collected.

For the next 2 or 3 centuries of course, there will no longer be sun rises and sun sets...the sun will be shining one moment, and then just before it's going to set on the horizon, everything goes BLACK. And in the morning, the sky will look as though it's beginning to light up a little bit as the sun begins to rise, but then the sky goes pitch BLACK again...then suddenly the sun is shining well above the horizon again...and this will take place no matter where you happen to be on the planet. NO ESCAPE and no sun rises or sun sets effectively for centuries...

But my company will be there charging you for the electricity that I created by robbing the entire human race of the sun rise and the sun set. So first I take something sacred to every living person on the planet, and then I charge them for the product I was able to create by stealing from everybody...

Call me Doctor Evil... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And forever more I will rob mankind of the sun rise and the sun set...unless you pay me....100 TRILLION-BILLION DOLLARS!

My massive solar arrays will alternate their orientation on a scheduled basis (using millions of thrusters)...I may allow sun rises and sun sets for specific areas and/or groups of people (those for example, who cooperate with me).

Good one Sparky. You have a fertile imagination and obviously live in a fantasy. Good luck with that new business and get back to us when the real world occurs to you. :cool: