Those who have left Castle & stayed in Tox industry


Just wanted to direct this thread to reps who have left castle and stayed in the industry. Maybe you could give us some hope of life after Castle.

One question I have, is 1099 worth it? Are you able to beat the millinium, lab corp, and ameritox's of the world.

How do you beat the big companies?

Do your labs train you on analyzer's and helping clinics set up there own low complexity labs?

One of the ways that I beat them is customer service. The big companies do not go as deep into territories so if you are in a somewhat rural area they may rarely see their representative. Some labs offer different types of testing. Really do your research and you will find that some labs are offering things that can differentiate you somewhat.

Keep in mind also that you now have relationships with pain clinics. This is very attractive to employers other then toxicology. After working at Castle I received recruitment calls from Publicis and other pharmaceutical companies.

Just wanted to direct this thread to reps who have left castle and stayed in the industry. Maybe you could give us some hope of life after Castle.

One question I have, is 1099 worth it? Are you able to beat the millinium, lab corp, and ameritox's of the world.

How do you beat the big companies?

Do your labs train you on analyzer's and helping clinics set up there own low complexity labs?

The lab is probably not going to do anything like that for a 10-99 rep but keep in mind that you will have other products to sell as well so you will expand your opportunities within an account creating more income. You also do not spend time on busy work so you can accomplish a lot more.

I do not feel comfortable listing my companies name here but I can tell you that if you put toxicology representative on your linked in profile you will attract the attention of some of the good companies.

I am not sure if it is the same in all states but in my state 10-99 income is not reported against unemployment until you are paid. I was able to claim unemployment legitimately until I received my first paycheck. I am not going to lie. It takes a while to get your first paycheck as an independent representative. You are paid once a month but if you put the effort in it pays off. It took about eight weeks but once I received my check it it was more then I was earning at Castle so it was worth it.