Those that are staying just a heads up


It's not over yet. In conversations with analysts, company officials have specifically cited pharma R&D, where the company spends about $7 billion a year, as a likely source of additional spending cuts. For a company that likes to ruthlessly hunt down and eliminate any excess or waste, as it concentrates R&D in three key hubs, the global reorganization appears to be far from over.

Read more: Report: Novartis reorganization quietly claims 3,000 jobs in just 4 months - FierceBiotech
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It's not over yet. In conversations with analysts, company officials have specifically cited pharma R&D, where the company spends about $7 billion a year, as a likely source of additional spending cuts. For a company that likes to ruthlessly hunt down and eliminate any excess or waste, as it concentrates R&D in three key hubs, the global reorganization appears to be far from over.

Read more: Report: Novartis reorganization quietly claims 3,000 jobs in just 4 months - FierceBiotech
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Don't forget one, most important and truthful thing: Capitalists and their system is a ruthless, heartless, brutal, savage, dog-eat-dog.....etc etc sytem. Those at the top, and few around them will be OK, but you who did the real work and even implemented their criminal schemes, in the name of profit, will simply be discarded like out of date cell phone.
Only a new age social-democracy can save you and everyone else around the world. Globalization and its main trait, the greed will destroy everything. And this means EVERYTHING, from people, environment to the planet itself.
If those fuckers who are responsible for this, in the name of their profit, think that by the time the Earth is destroyed, they will be able to leave it on some giant spaceships, I got news for them. Long before the ships are ready, the population will eliminate them first, in a global uprising/revolution. Will this be early enough to save the planet and rest of us? Your guess is as good as anyone's.
If we were really smart, as population of this planet, we'd do it right now. It is not too late.
Starting the economy of the world over, would be a good and fun thing. The new generations could do it right this time, and save us from inevitable extinction, if we stay on current course.
Remember the power of the people is absolute.

It's not over yet. In conversations with analysts, company officials have specifically cited pharma R&D, where the company spends about $7 bi. ion a year, as a likely source of additional spending cuts. For a company that likes to ruthlessly hunt down and eliminate any excess or waste, as it concentrates R&D in three key hubs, the global reorganization appears to be far from over.

Read more: Report: Novartis reorganization quietly claims 3,000 jobs in just 4 months - FierceBiotech
Subscribe at FierceBiotech

If you run a good business your stock price will go up. Seems to be a lot of short term tthink ing lately. A couple years ago nvs was proud of the spending on r&d. It was on every slide shown to wall street. Now 3 years later we cut everything?

For a company that likes to ruthlessly hunt down and eliminate any excess or waste, as it concentrates R&D in three key hubs, the global reorganization appears to be far from over.

Well you are right about one thing and that is it ain't over. The cuts from the disgustingly fat and over bloated Pharma is just beginning. But the other part about, "For a company that likes to ruthlessly hunt down and eliminate any excess or waste" is laughably naive. The cost structure and lavish overall compensation within the Pharma industry in general but US Pharma in particular is LEGENDARY. There is a reason why our drugs in the US cost twice as much as the rest of the developing world and why we use so much more of them but the result is that US Pharma has lived "high on the hog" for many years.

And before you start spouting the warn out ol' phrase "but US Pharma profits support drug development for the rest of the world" you should realize that, except for a few exceptions, there has been many new drugs developed anywhere in the last 30 years - 70% of the profits of Pharma is the US from "me too" drugs that either have another branded competitor and so no offer no real value but to hold the prices down, or else have a generic equivalent. Then you can argue that having a competitor to a branded drug is a benefit but Europe does the same thing with simple price controls and pays even less or you could try the old "branded drugs are better" but there is no science to back it up and no one with any credibility agrees.

The point is, there is lots or more costs to be removed from US Pharma because the profits are going to steadily decrease because everyone that matters knows the truth about what was stated above and Obamacare is just the start. The "cat is outa da bag" and the "money for nothing and chicks for free" days of US Pharma is over. The only thing keeping from quickly going totally the way of Europe is the money that US Pharma throws at Washington. The result was Obamacare that gradually takes away the teet so that Big Pharma and the US can still take their profits while the prices are gradually lowered by taking costs out.

Well you are right about one thing and that is it ain't over. The cuts from the disgustingly fat and over bloated Pharma is just beginning. But the other part about, "For a company that likes to ruthlessly hunt down and eliminate any excess or waste" is laughably naive. The cost structure and lavish overall compensation within the Pharma industry in general but US Pharma in particular is LEGENDARY. There is a reason why our drugs in the US cost twice as much as the rest of the developing world and why we use so much more of them but the result is that US Pharma has lived "high on the hog" for many years.

And before you start spouting the warn out ol' phrase "but US Pharma profits support drug development for the rest of the world" you should realize that, except for a few exceptions, there has been many new drugs developed anywhere in the last 30 years - 70% of the profits of Pharma is the US from "me too" drugs that either have another branded competitor and so no offer no real value but to hold the prices down, or else have a generic equivalent. Then you can argue that having a competitor to a branded drug is a benefit but Europe does the same thing with simple price controls and pays even less or you could try the old "branded drugs are better" but there is no science to back it up and no one with any credibility agrees.

The point is, there is lots or more costs to be removed from US Pharma because the profits are going to steadily decrease because everyone that matters knows the truth about what was stated above and Obamacare is just the start. The "cat is outa da bag" and the "money for nothing and chicks for free" days of US Pharma is over. The only thing keeping from quickly going totally the way of Europe is the money that US Pharma throws at Washington. The result was Obamacare that gradually takes away the teet so that Big Pharma and the US can still take their profits while the prices are gradually lowered by taking costs out.

Farmers, bankers and Pharma all US business categories completely dependent upon the power of their respective lobbyist to keep the mother's milk coming!

Farmers, bankers and Pharma all US business categories completely dependent upon the power of their respective lobbyist to keep the mother's milk coming!

"We are all Republicans now" as they are the party leading the fight to save all these catagories from true competiton and keep any rational changes from affecting us.

"We are all Democrats" because it is inevitable that changes must be made so that in the transistion period we need the benefits.