The second-thirdr tier companies, minor irreleavant players, in my experience, like Thommen, and the other come-lately minor players are undoubtably suffering. Their market potential is a small one in good times and in bad, who really needs a second system? The Bigs have the share, the money, and in many cases the talent (usually not the management-I'm thinking 3i now).
Argue all you want, nanny nanny nanny. He is an asshole, she is a bitch, etc. etc.
What it boils down to is what's in it for the user and the patient, most always, sadly in that order. Thommen will not die altogether, but may or may not be in the US market in 24 months. The company has to decide where to put its limited resources and where to cut its losses... They are not alone in this dilemma. Even the Bigs are being shopped/sold by their Pharma masters/owners. Who wants to be in dental anyway? is the question their boards are asking and insisting on a credible fact-based money answer too. The dental business is on balance is a veritable cottage industry, little growth potential from a stagnant amount of prospects with a long history of loser companies only rivaling anything the idiotic Federal Government gets involved in...
It's NOT personal, it's BUSINESS -Michael Corleone, the Godfather.
THINK about it, before showing your ignorance by responding IN SHOUTS and emotion, try LOGIC. Today's PIG is tomorrow BACON. You can be sailing along, under budget, exceeding forecast when that next call comes in that your territory has been split, your numbers raised, loss of a major customer, a forced move you cannot make, etc. It's the nature of THE BUSINESS. Be Happy you are confident in your own products and services and add-value to your customers. These jobs are temporary, no matter what anyone tells you or leads you to believe, and NO ONE is 'safe'.
Anyone else is a Liar. Case Closed, End of Story.