Home office stage left.
I've seen worse.
LMFAO! must be a total loser that you can only land gigs at below average companies
No, child, all it meant was that things are nowhere near as bad here as a few malcontents like to pretend it is. If you don't like it, feel free to leave. McDonalds is hiring.
Hmm resorting to name calling? Speaks volumes about your character. No wonder you’ve worked in worse places!
Hmm resorting to name calling? Speaks volumes about your character. No wonder you’ve worked in worse places!
as an outsider in this back and forth, that was very well played sir. Got him there!
Home office stage left.
I'd bet that if we were to conduct a poll, that would be the minority opinion.
well yeah with a lot of the dead weight who left recently
Happy Easter everyone!
Home office stage left.
You might want to rethink that statement. The reason people are angry is because there are no resources helping their specific territories. I am speaking of the central region. No managed care help. When patients are stuck with a $ 750 bill for Nourianz after going through a specialty pharmacy, it's no wonder why they cancel their script, but management blames the rep. This is bullshit. The company puts all their eggs into the east coast. The rest of the USA is screwed. Metrics and abusive management prevail. Japan needs to get rid of some middle management. They have no idea how the other part of the United States work.well yeah with a lot of the dead weight who left recently
You might want to rethink that statement. The reason people are angry is because there are no resources helping their specific territories. I am speaking of the central region. No managed care help. When patients are stuck with a $ 750 bill for Nourianz after going through a specialty pharmacy, it's no wonder why they cancel their script, but management blames the rep. This is bullshit. The company puts all their eggs into the east coast. The rest of the USA is screwed. Metrics and abusive management prevail. Japan needs to get rid of some middle management. They have no idea how the other part of the United States work.
You might want to rethink that statement. The reason people are angry is because there are no resources helping their specific territories. I am speaking of the central region. No managed care help. When patients are stuck with a $ 750 bill for Nourianz after going through a specialty pharmacy, it's no wonder why they cancel their script, but management blames the rep. This is bullshit. The company puts all their eggs into the east coast. The rest of the USA is screwed. Metrics and abusive management prevail. Japan needs to get rid of some middle management. They have no idea how the other part of the United States work.
You might want to rethink that statement. The reason people are angry is because there are no resources helping their specific territories. I am speaking of the central region. No managed care help. When patients are stuck with a $ 750 bill for Nourianz after going through a specialty pharmacy, it's no wonder why they cancel their script, but management blames the rep. This is bullshit. The company puts all their eggs into the east coast. The rest of the USA is screwed. Metrics and abusive management prevail. Japan needs to get rid of some middle management. They have no idea how the other part of the United States work.