This Lab Is A Scam

shitty managers.. cutting corners.. overloading underpaid employees.. policies not enforced on all.. dated ops.. reluctant to change, horrible culture, disaster.

Well some truth here that this place is broken lab wise. Just waiting for the feds to swoop in,
All because the ‘leaders’ unqualified and couldn’t get shit done. Sales told ya so. You had 3 year head start. All trashed

Well some truth here that this place is broken lab wise. Just waiting for the feds to swoop in,
All because the ‘leaders’ unqualified and couldn’t get shit done. Sales told ya so. You had 3 year head start. All trashed
Definition of greed. 3 effin yrs to clean up the act. Congrats.. you have created chaos

The higher ups don’t give a crap about tat or the lab. They got their stock inflation cushion, rigged insurance, didn’t payout reps. Run by criminals. Deserve jail time.

Or stop posing as PG and get a life dumbass
There’s a reason anger, drama and neurotic posts are plagued on these boards. Maybe it’s time to look inward.. just a thought from a spectator. Leave people alone and focus on yourself and maybe just maybe you’ll have some wins. Success is not how many people you can step on to mask your shortcomings. It’s amazing the lows people stoop to when they have no one to blame but themselves.. but, what do I know. I’m just another anonymous spectator.

There’s a reason anger, drama and neurotic posts are plagued on these boards. Maybe it’s time to look inward.. just a thought from a spectator. Leave people alone and focus on yourself and maybe just maybe you’ll have some wins. Success is not how many people you can step on to mask your shortcomings. It’s amazing the lows people stoop to when they have no one to blame but themselves.. but, what do I know. I’m just another anonymous spectator.

Sounds like something Phil would say… hey man you suck and you’ve destroyed this company…. Can’t wait to get out of here.

another anonymous Spectator