This job blows


Im with ees. Been here for 2 years. Until recently, i liked this job ok. Pay is not bad and i know my territory well enough now to work efficiently. It has definitely become waaaay easier.

So, why do i find myself saying, "This job blows" all the time now???

I put my dues in to get to this point and i should be reaping the reward now, but it pisses me off that i am now hating it. I tell myself I should be fortunate and on one hand I certainly agree! Why can't i just be like others that have been here 10+ years and be happy. Either I am a dreamer and expect too much and need to quit whining or this job really does blow.

For example, i will be driving to hpg accounts Monday. They use my stuff but i feel the need to show my face periodically. My current frame of mind tells me that i will waste a whole day for nothing and i am already dreading tomorrow tellingmyself that "This job blows."

It blows even more with the Ace with Adaptive Tissue Technology. Are you kidding me you clowns in R&D? Love the way you change the pad, put some black on the probe, jack the price and my numbers, for what? The same damn thing I have been selling the last 11 years???? Olympus are you hiring?

It blows even more with the Ace with Adaptive Tissue Technology. Are you kidding me you clowns in R&D? Love the way you change the pad, put some black on the probe, jack the price and my numbers, for what? The same damn thing I have been selling the last 11 years???? Olympus are you hiring?

Troll Alert.....

Nice try, but you've been busted. You have made 2 mistakes in your above post that anyone with accurate knowledge would not make. The Name you referenced is only being used on the 510k application, no EES Rep is going to waste their time typing that entire phrase. Second, as has been stated in EVERY conversation from upper management over the last year regarding the will be at price parody with all current platforms.

Sorry, your punishment for losing is you now have to go sell Thunderbeat!!!

In regards to the "this job blows" there is worse out there and look at it this way Johnson & Johnson is a big company maybe look at other operating companies within JNJ ???

In regards to Thunderbeat - so far of the two hospitals in my territory that are trialing it - the surgeons are not WOWed by it for the price, plus the representation has been so weak.

Hang in there folks, JNJ - EES is having some tough times, but when the sunshines after the storm, it will be all good. At least we will know more in the next 2 months.

we're down to just a few more days of this job blowing......but if you're one of the "chosen" ones that get to stay....GOOD LUCK!!! Sell everything from EES, INC, Gynecare and maybe biosurgery with little to NO training!!! And NO you don't get more money to sell all this crap just the privilege of having a job with JNJ!!! Because JNJ is flat out cool!!

Oh it will be Monday big boy. JNJ Ha Ha you bought the BS and now you see what they really value. They have you all so brainwashed that there is nothing better than JNJ that you will sit and take it when they fire you and feel like it was your fault. Anyone who was not brainwashed or with any balls would have moved up or out already. It's your own fault, happy job hunting!

Oh it will be Monday big boy. JNJ Ha Ha you bought the BS and now you see what they really value. They have you all so brainwashed that there is nothing better than JNJ that you will sit and take it when they fire you and feel like it was your fault. Anyone who was not brainwashed or with any balls would have moved up or out already. It's your own fault, happy job hunting!

I would hate to be your are a miserable little person