This is why you completely misinterpreted the press release. Silenor is not "better" than Ambien.

Pharma Educator

StockTwit posters you completely misinterpreted the press release yesterday. Silenor is not "better" than Ambien. I suggest you re-read the press release, and analyze the clinical trial data when it becomes available. You apparently know nothing about wording of press releases in the pharma industry, and why looking at the data is important in understanding the truth. Hint: In case you are not intelligent enough to do this, I do not recommend investing in pharma companies as the major investors in Pernix understand this. Why do you think the stock price barely moved with this press release. It is NOT market manipulation. It is just a fluff press release to get all the uneducated inexperience investors all hyped (pumped).

Also, cool down on the buyout at anytime soon. All talks have broken down due to the anticipated horrible Q2 sales revenue that is now projected (worse than Q1).

Bash me all you want, but open your eyes.

Want to laugh, goto the Pernix StockTwits board and see how clueless some of these folks are as to our company. Stock price is dropping based on the fluff press release yesterday that really had no substance as described above.
What is sad and should be illegal is some investor on that board named YamaWafa has some sort of cult following and the blind sheep others are investing on his crazy advice and so called wisdom.

I do not appreciate being mention in accurately above. I am shorting your company stock and just confusing the so called sheep on Stocktwits. Get your facts straight before you post about me.

Pernix stock needs to get over $1 by next Friday June 24th of the Russell Index will be kicking them off their list of stocks in the index. They do this every month with stocks that drop below a dollar. This will cause a massive sell off of the stock

I believe the Russell price for delisting of Pernix stock next Friday is a figure below $1.00

As for the logic in pumping the stock when I am actually short. Simply to get more inexperienced investors that visit ST to buy the stock. They then get frustrated and panic sell which drops the price even further which helps us shorts out until company goes Burger King. Master plan as I deceive them.

My apology to YamaWafa as this was all a joke as he is not shorting. But the joke became bad by the abuse he took by others on ST board. No harm was meant and regrets for what others said to him. Yama is a good guy.

You're right...Yama is too much of a fucking idiot to short the stock. This moron is going to lose a lot of money (assuming he isn't lying about his holdings) for a company that will shortly declare bankruptcy.

Why would you follow the advice of a moron who can't express a cogent, logical view of why Pernix is worth buying? Why would you listen to a proven idiot who endlessly repeats 'hurr durr the stock will head up to $3' without any supporting evidence or analysis? Invest in this dumpster fire at your own risk. Those of us who have conducted our due-diligence, which for me has entailed speaking extensively with competitors, industry experts, suppliers, amd current/former employees, wouldn't touch this stock with a 10-foot pole.