This is how field Sales will look in 2012


30% reduction!
1000 MCL reps to be trained one MCR product(s) I'm thinking when vimovo goes to cornerstone MCL will carry Sym/Pulm/Crestor

Figure MCR crestor only reps gone.

Will announce late Jan. Changes in place end of Q1.

Could use previous model of poor access & MCO to reach head count.

Hinging on IR to XR conversions & NRx

Final Jan. ruling on Dapagliflozin will also dictate our fate!


30% reduction!
1000 MCL reps to be trained one MCR product(s) I'm thinking when vimovo goes to cornerstone MCL will carry Sym/Pulm/Crestor

Figure MCR crestor only reps gone.

Will announce late Jan. Changes in place end of Q1.

Could use previous model of poor access & MCO to reach head count.

Hinging on IR to XR conversions & NRx

Final Jan. ruling on Dapagliflozin will also dictate our fate!

Just another wild ass guess. Why would they get rid of all the MCR Crestor only reps when they have the established relationships and are already selling the damn drug! As far as IR to XR goes, once IR goes generic, XR will drop like a rock, UNLESS AZ literally gives it away. Dapa's side effects will do it in. Brilinta facing generic Plavix in May, won't help matters. Then, all the patent loses for us by 2014, seals our fate.

Here's a "chainsaw Al" take on the issue. I think it is a viable, working model. Bold and realistic, will show immediate effective results.

1: Tell everyone that there's going to be a huge change in one week.

2: Eliminate ALL office based reps and their BS managers and Regionals

3: Focus on reps or managers (people) who can handle themselves (NOT the guys that actually use Touchstone -- the real people) and be trusted to toe the company line with the major payers. Pay these guys 40% more than they're making now with incentive to double or triple that based on $ results.

4: Focus on $, only. We're not in it for patient health or anything other than bucks and we're NOT ASHAMED OF IT! If you don't produce, this is the copier business, you're fired -- no severance, no nice guy / PC / oh please don't sue us -- fuck you asshole, hit the bricks!

Just another wild ass guess. Why would they get rid of all the MCR Crestor only reps when they have the established relationships and are already selling the damn drug! As far as IR to XR goes, once IR goes generic, XR will drop like a rock, UNLESS AZ literally gives it away. Dapa's side effects will do it in. Brilinta facing generic Plavix in May, won't help matters. Then, all the patent loses for us by 2014, seals our fate.

Do you want the honest answer Mr. MCR? First of all, the sales of Crestor in your territory after all rebates probably don't cover you/your partner(s) salary, cars, benefits, etc. Especially when the only differentiator insurers are looking at is price with there being 3, soon to be many more generic versions of Lipitor approved last week. 2012 will look very different for Crestor...the market dynamics have changed as of 10/30/11. Go get your calculator and see how many TRXS you need coming in each month to cover your employment. From my calculation of a $65k salary (prob low for you), mo co contribution for you/spouse benefits $1000 (kids would be higher), car (250/mo car, 400/gas, 50/ maintenance include), 401k match of 6% of salary (hope ur smart enough to do it), and retirement are looking @ your cost to organization of $7700 roughly/month. Take the WACweighted cost for Crestor @4.36 and assume we have to cut that in half to remain competitive in pbms and you come up with 3507rxs needed to cover your comp. Do you have a partner calling on the same customers? If so, double the rxs to cover both of you. So the question remains...can your 'relationships' deliver the cost needed to cover you as an expense? I doubt your territory is generating 7014 rxs(2 pss)/mo or 10521(2pss and ol)/mo or 14028/mo (2pss,ol,cvas)....just remember all numers go up significantly if salary>$65k. So can your 'established' relationship deliver? If so, you're good and probably don't have anything to worry about!

Do you want the honest answer Mr. MCR? First of all, the sales of Crestor in your territory after all rebates probably don't cover you/your partner(s) salary, cars, benefits, etc. Especially when the only differentiator insurers are looking at is price with there being 3, soon to be many more generic versions of Lipitor approved last week. 2012 will look very different for Crestor...the market dynamics have changed as of 10/30/11. Go get your calculator and see how many TRXS you need coming in each month to cover your employment. From my calculation of a $65k salary (prob low for you), mo co contribution for you/spouse benefits $1000 (kids would be higher), car (250/mo car, 400/gas, 50/ maintenance include), 401k match of 6% of salary (hope ur smart enough to do it), and retirement are looking @ your cost to organization of $7700 roughly/month. Take the WACweighted cost for Crestor @4.36 and assume we have to cut that in half to remain competitive in pbms and you come up with 3507rxs needed to cover your comp. Do you have a partner calling on the same customers? If so, double the rxs to cover both of you. So the question remains...can your 'relationships' deliver the cost needed to cover you as an expense? I doubt your territory is generating 7014 rxs(2 pss)/mo or 10521(2pss and ol)/mo or 14028/mo (2pss,ol,cvas)....just remember all numers go up significantly if salary>$65k. So can your 'established' relationship deliver? If so, you're good and probably don't have anything to worry about!

Not MCR here but this can be said of any AZ drug. They are giving away Onglyza, Komibi, XR, Crestor and Vimovo. Brilinta is so far behind where it should be, it's a joke. Now add on the extra costs of Obamacare for the industry with it's increased rebates, and it's a profit nightmare. This doesn't even include the upcoming AZ patent loses between now and 2014! Oh, don't let me forget our dead pipeline.

AZ is in trouble with the only brights spots being emerging markets. If yu don't take every single waking minute you have now between now and the layoffs to come up with another career plan, you are crazy.

Have to laugh about 'established relationships' with much churn of reps has there been in your territory, how many reps over the last 5 years at one time or another carried and 'sold' your hot product, how many contract reps have passed thru?? Keep telling that doc, that all those generic option$ shouldn't affect your relationship. Sure the doc will tell you that they always loved you, just not your product.

Crestor is the new Nexium. Many generic options and no need for az to spend money on reps detailing it. CSA's are already in position. Pretty obvious, too many reps, small territories etc. We are toast no matter what you sell. Pretty amazing what greed, mismanagement, and consultant recommendations have done.

Not MCR here but this can be said of any AZ drug. They are giving away Onglyza, Komibi, XR, Crestor and Vimovo. Brilinta is so far behind where it should be, it's a joke. Now add on the extra costs of Obamacare for the industry with it's increased rebates, and it's a profit nightmare. This doesn't even include the upcoming AZ patent loses between now and 2014! Oh, don't let me forget our dead pipeline.

AZ is in trouble with the only brights spots being emerging markets. If yu don't take every single waking minute you have now between now and the layoffs to come up with another career plan, you are crazy.

Totally agree. Just want the whiners who think they are entitled to understand the industry cannot afford us with the changes going on. Thank goodness we 'share' the costs of Onglyza/Kombi w/BMS. We have performed decently in statin market in past....the low double share in one of the largest markets has meant decent return @ the prices we have been able to charge. Unfortunately, Vimovo predictions missed the mark..way missed the mark. Just because it has purple in it doesn't mean it's going to sell like the purple pill. We learned that from the launch and consequently changed the strategy, which was good, but too late in the game. Will there be a place for sales reps? Yes, just significantly fewer.

Do you want the honest answer Mr. MCR? First of all, the sales of Crestor in your territory after all rebates probably don't cover you/your partner(s) salary, cars, benefits, etc. Especially when the only differentiator insurers are looking at is price with there being 3, soon to be many more generic versions of Lipitor approved last week. 2012 will look very different for Crestor...the market dynamics have changed as of 10/30/11. Go get your calculator and see how many TRXS you need coming in each month to cover your employment. From my calculation of a $65k salary (prob low for you), mo co contribution for you/spouse benefits $1000 (kids would be higher), car (250/mo car, 400/gas, 50/ maintenance include), 401k match of 6% of salary (hope ur smart enough to do it), and retirement are looking @ your cost to organization of $7700 roughly/month. Take the WACweighted cost for Crestor @4.36 and assume we have to cut that in half to remain competitive in pbms and you come up with 3507rxs needed to cover your comp. Do you have a partner calling on the same customers? If so, double the rxs to cover both of you. So the question remains...can your 'relationships' deliver the cost needed to cover you as an expense? I doubt your territory is generating 7014 rxs(2 pss)/mo or 10521(2pss and ol)/mo or 14028/mo (2pss,ol,cvas)....just remember all numers go up significantly if salary>$65k. So can your 'established' relationship deliver? If so, you're good and probably don't have anything to worry about!

Correct. The bean counters do this kind of calculation for sure. In the golden days it worked to the reps' favor big time, now the world is a different place.

You also forgot the tax costs of employment which is a big # and a percentage of earnings, so you can add a few thousand more Rxes. Then consider the incremental cost issue -- the company would likely be more profitable with no representative. The Rxes would still keep coming in. Sales would eventually fall with no representatives but profits would rise big time.

30% reduction!
1000 MCL reps to be trained one MCR product(s) I\'m thinking when vimovo goes to cornerstone MCL will carry Sym/Pulm/Crestor

Figure MCR crestor only reps gone.

Will announce late Jan. Changes in place end of Q1.

Could use previous model of poor access & MCO to reach head count.

Hinging on IR to XR conversions & NRx

Final Jan. ruling on Dapagliflozin will also dictate our fate!

Poster title says this is how field sales will look... then goes on to say... I\'m thinking... figure... could use previous model... hinging on... will also dictate... YOU\'RE GUESSING!!!

Why do people post as in-the-know when they don\'t know sh*t?!

Do you want the honest answer Mr. MCR? First of all, the sales of Crestor in your territory after all rebates probably don't cover you/your partner(s) salary, cars, benefits, etc. Especially when the only differentiator insurers are looking at is price with there being 3, soon to be many more generic versions of Lipitor approved last week. 2012 will look very different for Crestor...the market dynamics have changed as of 10/30/11. Go get your calculator and see how many TRXS you need coming in each month to cover your employment. From my calculation of a $65k salary (prob low for you), mo co contribution for you/spouse benefits $1000 (kids would be higher), car (250/mo car, 400/gas, 50/ maintenance include), 401k match of 6% of salary (hope ur smart enough to do it), and retirement are looking @ your cost to organization of $7700 roughly/month. Take the WACweighted cost for Crestor @4.36 and assume we have to cut that in half to remain competitive in pbms and you come up with 3507rxs needed to cover your comp. Do you have a partner calling on the same customers? If so, double the rxs to cover both of you. So the question remains...can your 'relationships' deliver the cost needed to cover you as an expense? I doubt your territory is generating 7014 rxs(2 pss)/mo or 10521(2pss and ol)/mo or 14028/mo (2pss,ol,cvas)....just remember all numers go up significantly if salary>$65k. So can your 'established' relationship deliver? If so, you're good and probably don't have anything to worry about!


Here's a "chainsaw Al" take on the issue. I think it is a viable, working model. Bold and realistic, will show immediate effective results.

1: Tell everyone that there's going to be a huge change in one week.

2: Eliminate ALL office based reps and their BS managers and Regionals

3: Focus on reps or managers (people) who can handle themselves (NOT the guys that actually use Touchstone -- the real people) and be trusted to toe the company line with the major payers. Pay these guys 40% more than they're making now with incentive to double or triple that based on $ results.

4: Focus on $, only. We're not in it for patient health or anything other than bucks and we're NOT ASHAMED OF IT! If you don't produce, this is the copier business, you're fired -- no severance, no nice guy / PC / oh please don't sue us -- fuck you asshole, hit the bricks!

Wow, so they should over pay us even more?

Just another wild ass guess. Why would they get rid of all the MCR Crestor only reps when they have the established relationships and are already selling the damn drug! As far as IR to XR goes, once IR goes generic, XR will drop like a rock, UNLESS AZ literally gives it away. Dapa's side effects will do it in. Brilinta facing generic Plavix in May, won't help matters. Then, all the patent loses for us by 2014, seals our fate.

Relationship selling is old school! Times have changed, it's all about share of voice and sound bites. The marketing department knows best, real selling in this industry died about
10 years ago. Very sad!!