This is a test


~135 people at B+L with last names alphabetically between Sch and Z received a "Test" e-mail from a 'john jonson' (gmail address).

The subject of the e-mail was "Test" and the body simply said "This is a test."

Did anyone get an e-mail for the beginning part of the alphabet?

Who is this 'john jonson'?
Where did 'john jonson' get the list of e-mail addresses from?
What was the e-mail testing?

~135 people at B+L with last names alphabetically between Sch and Z received a "Test" e-mail from a 'john jonson' (gmail address).

The subject of the e-mail was "Test" and the body simply said "This is a test."

Did anyone get an e-mail for the beginning part of the alphabet?

Who is this 'john jonson'?
Where did 'john jonson' get the list of e-mail addresses from?
What was the e-mail testing?

I am at the end of the alpha and did not get this email

~135 people at B+L with last names alphabetically between Sch and Z received a "Test" e-mail from a 'john jonson' (gmail address).

The subject of the e-mail was "Test" and the body simply said "This is a test."

Did anyone get an e-mail for the beginning part of the alphabet?

Who is this 'john jonson'?
Where did 'john jonson' get the list of e-mail addresses from?
What was the e-mail testing?

I'm in the first half of the alphabet I didn't get guess is its spam!

Did anyone who received the "This is a test" e-mail also receive the email about our health insurance changing in 2014?
Apparently some people received the health insurance e-mail and others didn't.

Did anyone who received the "This is a test" e-mail also receive the email about our health insurance changing in 2014?
Apparently some people received the health insurance e-mail and others didn't.

I am in the first half of the alphabet and didn't receive an email about a test or health insurance. I heard the health insurance email was sent out Thursday.

Dan Brown could teach you all about a good conspiracy theory. Give it a rest you losers!

Maybe if Valeant had any sort of communication with the employees of the company that it just purchased then we wouldn't be on here trying to figure what is going on. Some people who were not told they are being affected by the layoffs receive an e-mail telling them about a job placement service and are then told it was a mistake. Some people get an e-mail about health insurance and some people don't. Is this intentional or are they just incompetent?

Maybe if Valeant had any sort of communication with the employees of the company that it just purchased then we wouldn't be on here trying to figure what is going on. Some people who were not told they are being affected by the layoffs receive an e-mail telling them about a job placement service and are then told it was a mistake. Some people get an e-mail about health insurance and some people don't. Is this intentional or are they just incompetent?

It is psychological warfare. Nothing is done without reason. The response of each person to these emails could be recorded as a measure of tolerability to bullshit. Since Valeant shovels a lot of it, if you can tolerate the bullshit they keep you. If you complain and spread rumors and get all upset every time one of the silly psychological test emails come around they get rid of you.