Was tested with the Spanish Fly ICap and was a 3+. Went on Spanish Fly gonadal transsertions and dropped to a negative on the ICap. No longer a pinhead! Woo Hoo!
wooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo J.H. Is a royal pinhead! He needs to kiss the blarney stone; as he is the next manager to be hung by the quest pests. We cant wait to see that lickitee doo dahs face when he gets canned. IIIIIIIIII for Intensity and IMBOSOL; for who he is .. tick tock tick tock tick tock !
Kissing the blarney stone leads to many maladies to include constipation, Peyronies Disease, ED, flatulence, irratic paristaltic behavior and wet dreams. Just a warning to the wise!