This couldn’t wait?


Just another prime example of the lack of self awareness this joke of a “leadership team” has..

But wait! Brian said at the beginning of the call that “if we are lucky, our full IC bonus could be reinstated by next year!!

this company is a complete joke. They actually think we give a shit about this right now? Especially with the $20 per script

Can you tell us more about how important consistent focus and share of voice is when you’re about to lay off 400+ people? Changing out reps and territories during a time when many are only seeing reps at the backdoor is a disaster waiting to happen. At least you have your justification for the next lay-off teed up.

Doesn’t matter as Lilly’s marketing team will have a clean message that shows greater reductions to Oz, regardless of what this bumpkin is stuttering on about, and kick our ears in with it. Our response is to show old data, differently.

That was a call that was supposed to be about GLP.
Instead, the field is asking real questions about how bad it is to work here.

Bottom Line....nobody gives a shit.
Save Your SurveyMonkey.

No real answers.....just BS.

ET has officially lost it’s soldiers, and they don’t even have DBMs to spin the shit story because they are being cut this week.

This place is officially the biggest joke of the industry.

That was a call that was supposed to be about GLP.
Instead, the field is asking real questions about how bad it is to work here.

Bottom Line....nobody gives a shit.
Save Your SurveyMonkey.

No real answers.....just BS.

ET has officially lost it’s soldiers, and they don’t even have DBMs to spin the shit story because they are being cut this week.

This place is officially the biggest joke of the industry.

ET, you lie SO MUCH that we stopped working a LONG time ago.

Our overlapping Lilly reps have been in the same territories for years!! They didn’t beat us on ease of use they beat us on relationships and consistency, and here we go away moving everyone around. Such a joke, we do this every product launch.

I love how they made the IC fair to everyone. If you’re selling 3000 scripts in 13 weeks and the idiot next to you is selling 900 in 13 weeks, Market Share goals rock. #ThisShouldMotivateYou

Isn't it fascinating just how quickly things spiraled downward here? Here we were, riding high with O and launching a first-in-class oral med that has better numbers than all of the other glp1 injectables ( except o). We yank promotion of two good products, Covid hits, we then anticipate lower future sales and thus announce forthcoming big layoffs.

Look where we are now- no one knows if they should be applying for another job, sticking it out, going out there and hustling as best we can in the few offices we can see ( who are being absolutely overloaded w reps), pushing all of these virtual webcasts and meetings on our poor providers, and being handed some big goal increases at this very same time when we can't really see our targets. Just incredible how this all played out. I feel like NNI could have stuck it out a few more months, reassessed in January, possibly adding Tresiba back in for 2s to maintain some ms. Instead, they have completely deflated this whole place. Really just depressing-we still have the best products out there but I feel like this was handled terribly.

I feel like those who make it through are going to have lost their loyalty to Novo.

Isn't it fascinating just how quickly things spiraled downward here? Here we were, riding high with O and launching a first-in-class oral med that has better numbers than all of the other glp1 injectables ( except o). We yank promotion of two good products, Covid hits, we then anticipate lower future sales and thus announce forthcoming big layoffs.

Look where we are now- no one knows if they should be applying for another job, sticking it out, going out there and hustling as best we can in the few offices we can see ( who are being absolutely overloaded w reps), pushing all of these virtual webcasts and meetings on our poor providers, and being handed some big goal increases at this very same time when we can't really see our targets. Just incredible how this all played out. I feel like NNI could have stuck it out a few more months, reassessed in January, possibly adding Tresiba back in for 2s to maintain some ms. Instead, they have completely deflated this whole place. Really just depressing-we still have the best products out there but I feel like this was handled terribly.

I feel like those who make it through are going to have lost their loyalty to Novo.

The GLP call really proved how out of touch ET is. This debacle is going to hurt Novo. Just pathetic no other words for it.

I agree about the loyalty- it’s gone. Too hard to trust the people in charge.

And if you listened on the GLP1 call, they discussed Januvia going generic in 2022....that’s 2 years and somehow that will initiate another round of restructuring for us

The GLP call really proved how out of touch ET is. This debacle is going to hurt Novo. Just pathetic no other words for it.
Used to be at Novo here (voluntarily left for another industry)
Still have quite a few friends and I’m really bummed to hear what I’m hearing.

The loss is loyalty is deep and rampant.
Doug, Maryellen, Pia, Brian, Blandine, Anne, Jill ... you guys have lost credibility.
I own the stock so I’m glad on that, but sustainability requires loyalty and that’s gone.

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