This company really sucks


this is the worst device company I have ever worked for and this is my fourth in 12 years.

Leadership is TERRIBLE.

People will continue to leave when they see that LEADERSHIP has remained crappy.

Another thing,

Keep hiring the dopes you've been hiring, and the company will suck even more.

Hey jack asses, how bout this, save yourself the $8,000 per rep that you hire through recruiters and send the RMs directly to Dominoe's, Pizza Hut or the local car dealership and hire those people. It'd be about the same quality of sales people you have brought in in the past 9 months and you will be saving money.

Actually this is a clown job. I met the one of your reps the other day in the midwest and he reminded me of Sammy Malone from Cheers. If Sam Malone was 5 foot six and had the social skills of Gargamel.

AGREED! I just interviewed with this company and after 20 minutes stood up and walked out. Interview was unorganized,mindless, and the interviewer was 15 minutes late. I would not work here if I was collecting unemployment and it was about to expire!


AGREED! I just interviewed with this company and after 20 minutes stood up and walked out. Interview was unorganized,mindless, and the interviewer was 15 minutes late. I would not work here if I was collecting unemployment and it was about to expire!


I call bullshit on that one. Nice try. Given the fact that you're looking for a job probably has more to say about you than Covidien. But keep writing your b.s. fiction.