This company is lead by hypocrites


They talk so much and say the right things, but they don’t give a flying S&$! About the sales force. Take care of your family and We’ll pay you where u were at before the shutdown, nope, Q2 you’ll make up getting a $0 commission in Q3 and Q4 with all the cases coming back. We care about you. Nope.


a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

A perfect example is W AD who has repeated used a racial epithet when describing his basketball opponent and former VP of Sales. These were heard during rounds of golf and during POA meeting in SD.

Pacira will pay an aggregate of approximately $3.5 million. Pacira expressly denies all allegations and contentions and has admitted no wrongdoing in connection with the settlement agreements.

Well isn't that a kick in the nuts? Do they deny the racism, sexual harassment and ageism also?

Put Kentucky's JD, her Atlanta minion CDag and Tati in that category of racist, hypocrites. 2012? Hmmm...the year Denny joined the company with Remedy? Dr. RW and MSL JSher have been unabashedly promising pay for play for several years. Paying KOLS for work never done. Like JSher's good friend Dr. Chudie as J- affectionately calls him. Legal's TMal should be terminated given HR was told multiple times that these shenanigans, I mean felonies, were going on. Zero ethics. Anything that touches DS rots head to tail. DS, when you surround yourself with leeches who measure your inherent worth by your bank account you attract only scavengers...and apparently racist, hypocrites.

This is completely separate from Abell SEC suit.

How much has Pacira paid in hush money, payola (those outside of NE, look it up), termination settlements, fraudulent grants, legal fees, etc. What an ethical morass (those in the NE, look it up).

The lack of a moral compass at Pacira at a leadership level has been exposed. There’s more coming down the pike.

They talk so much and say the right things, but they don’t give a flying S&$! About the sales force. Take care of your family and We’ll pay you where u were at before the shutdown, nope, Q2 you’ll make up getting a $0 commission in Q3 and Q4 with all the cases coming back. We care about you. Nope.

Then leave

Don't bag on Glenn! Pacira to Pixar Bio to Pacira. For when can a toad(ie) ever be a dove? No, a toad can only ever be but a toad... except when it is being a total ass.

Reiser’s symbolizes everything that’s wrong with this cesspool. Turned his back on Pacira. Jumped to PixarBio, after lying about his PCRX responsibilities, then fired by psychopath, Frank Reynolds (Is he still behind bars?). Sat out for a year & brought back, no wonder this place is so screwed up.
Cream rises to the top.

Then what word would you use to describe Pacira paying DPS $18,000,000 to end co-distribution agreement? That’s FIVE TIMES the amount paid for the recent violations!

How does the Board not clean house? The money wasted on fines, severances, legal fees from suits, and DPS is running into tens of millions of dollars. And still no resolution on Abell suit.

I’m surrounded by so many bad people. But I’ll ride it out because my RD hasn’t been in the field in over a year and heard others it’s been longer.

The board probably won’t need to. I’m petrified of Heron’s product. Once they overcome approval....they have far superior data, have head-to-head against us, will have reimbursement due to CMS covering all breakthrough therapy now upon launch, less expensive, and already in trials for a better product than HTX-011. They will crush us. Saving grace right now is the FDA delaying.

The board probably won’t need to. I’m petrified of Heron’s product. Once they overcome approval....they have far superior data, have head-to-head against us, will have reimbursement due to CMS covering all breakthrough therapy now upon launch, less expensive, and already in trials for a better product than HTX-011. They will crush us. Saving grace right now is the FDA delaying.

The board probably won’t need to. I’m petrified of Heron’s product. Once they overcome approval....they have far superior data, have head-to-head against us, will have reimbursement due to CMS covering all breakthrough therapy now upon launch, less expensive, and already in trials for a better product than HTX-011. They will crush us. Saving grace right now is the FDA delaying.

The proposed CMS coverage path relates to medical devices, not drugs.

Scratch 1 of the 5 reasons. The board of directors must be oblivious to the corrupt leadership here and what’s to come.

although, maybe stack is looking to sell, there’s a lot of micro-managing on veeva calls right now.

The board probably won’t need to. I’m petrified of Heron’s product. Once they overcome approval....they have far superior data, have head-to-head against us, will have reimbursement due to CMS covering all breakthrough therapy now upon launch, less expensive, and already in trials for a better product than HTX-011. They will crush us. Saving grace right now is the FDA delaying.

Like so many others (knew of at least 10), I had a Heron offer in hand and was awaiting approval.
Two CRLs. TWO! A company more screwed up than Pacira. Didn’t think that possible. Heron won’t be a player for a long, long time.

We, too, are recipients of CRL from fda for exparel, a DOJ subpoena, and investigation in 2015. Fast forward to last month we now have yet another settlement with the DOJ for bribery, false claims, and kickback. In case you missed it....the link is above. So to say the leadership needs turned over is a complete understatement. Corrupt.