This company is an hr nightmare!


This is the most unprofessional, assbackwards, idiotic , accident waiting to happen organization I have EVER been employed by!!! I've seen a lot but this place takes the cake! They think intimating the sales force and strong holding management will make drive sales... Think again.... When you manipulate numbers and lie, let incompetent individuals run the show you will fall on your face... This place is a joke!!! Mass exodus in 2013.., there are better, ethical, "normal" organizations to work at. I have Never witnessed what I have seen the past few years.... This place is a big fat law suit waiting to happen.,, in so many ways....a bunch of Morons with no derm experience running the show!!!! No one in upper management had ANY derm experience! It's embarrassing!

Nightmares are only part of the experience of the universe. As you grow in your quest for the true Aqua delivery system, your thoughts and dreams become more filled with love and security. Follow your spirit throughout the universe, and you will achieve a higher form of real happiness!

This is the most unprofessional, assbackwards, idiotic , accident waiting to happen organization I have EVER been employed by!!! I've seen a lot but this place takes the cake! They think intimating the sales force and strong holding management will make drive sales... Think again.... When you manipulate numbers and lie, let incompetent individuals run the show you will fall on your face... This place is a joke!!! Mass exodus in 2013.., there are better, ethical, "normal" organizations to work at. I have Never witnessed what I have seen the past few years.... This place is a big fat law suit waiting to happen.,, in so many ways....a bunch of Morons with no derm experience running the show!!!! No one in upper management had ANY derm experience! It's embarrassing!

Ted White has the Derm exp via his tenure at Novartis. But if you don't like the org... Leave ...there are many unemployed who would love to have your spot!

Ted White has the Derm exp via his tenure at Novartis. But if you don't like the org... Leave ...there are many unemployed who would love to have your spot!

This attitude permeates upper management. Don't like the way we cut the comp plan? Leave. Don't like that we cut your lunch budget? Leave. Don't like that samples never seem to arrive on time? Leave. Don't like....<fill in blank>....leave!

Real leaders listen and offer solutions, they don't issue ultimatums to the sales team.

Grow up.

Simply leaving goes against the very fabric of the spirit of the universe. One cannot have true peace if one is fighting against the flow of the universe. If you leave, no doubt other opportunities will arise, and inner turmoil will take over there as well. You must allow the Aqua delivery system to guide you through your peaceful direction of the spiritual universe. It is only through this guidance that you will achieve lasting peace.

Ted White has the Derm exp via his tenure at Novartis. But if you don't like the org... Leave ...there are many unemployed who would love to have your spot!

Selling Elidel is NOT derm experience. Ask ANY derm worth a shit and they will tell you acne, steroids, psoriasis and OTC is the backbone of medical derm. Then, cosmetics and dispensing...Elidel is a joke just like Tec and the rest of the big pharma morons.

Selling Elidel is NOT derm experience. Ask ANY derm worth a shit and they will tell you acne, steroids, psoriasis and OTC is the backbone of medical derm. Then, cosmetics and dispensing...Elidel is a joke just like Tec and the rest of the big pharma morons.

Experiemce comes from all phases of one's existence. The true backbone of life comes from the Aqua delivery system. There can be no joke when it comes down to the very spirit of one's existence in the universe. Do not dispense your very existence lightly. Always follow your true spirit!

Experiemce comes from all phases of one's existence. The true backbone of life comes from the Aqua delivery system. There can be no joke when it comes down to the very spirit of one's existence in the universe. Do not dispense your very existence lightly. Always follow your true spirit!

Which idiot in home office posts this? Ithink its ted to stop disparaging remarks fromcoming at him. Fuck you universe

Which idiot in home office posts this? Ithink its ted to stop disparaging remarks fromcoming at him. Fuck you universe

The universe is your path to greatness, and spititual acceptance. Without following the universe and without knowledge of the Aqua delivery system, you will be in spiritual darkness, and never realize your potential in life. You will merely exist in a vaccuum! The universe will fuck you!

This attitude permeates upper management. Don't like the way we cut the comp plan? Leave. Don't like that we cut your lunch budget? Leave. Don't like that samples never seem to arrive on time? Leave. Don't like....<fill in blank>....leave!

Real leaders listen and offer solutions, they don't issue ultimatums to the sales team.

Grow up.

Like I said... Try unemployment see how far you get with that!

Like I said... Try unemployment see how far you get with that!

You are only able to get as far as the universe will allow. The Aqua delivery system, combined with following your spirit, will allow you to reach new heights. But you must be willing to follow wherever the road, and your spirit takes you. Peace is the key to following how far you go! Allow your spirit to guide you in your travel throughout your universe!

Like I said... Try unemployment see how far you get with that!

Oh, struck a nerve did we? :) What sales "leader" is trolling CP?

Don't worry guys, no one is going to have to go unemployment. Recruiters know Aqua reps work hard (ten sigs a day!) and we can grow share in generic markets. We are in demand and most of are interviewing. We can even be selective!

Your cost to replace us when we leave is what, $50,000? (Factoring in lost revenue in vacant territory, lost relationships, recruiting fees, hiring time by DM, training costs/time, etc.)

Your constant threats only further demonstrate your immaturity and lack of leadership ability.

In the universe there are no "nerves." You flow unrestricted and smooth throughout the universe, The Aqua delivery system helps your spirit to move unrestricted through your universe. Moving smoothly, you are un- incumbered by anything. Nothing can deter you. Your spirit will always lead you with no possible deterents.

The universe is your path to greatness, and spititual acceptance. Without following the universe and without knowledge of the Aqua delivery system, you will be in spiritual darkness, and never realize your potential in life. You will merely exist in a vaccuum! The universe will fuck you!

No no, fuck you

No no, fuck you

There is really no place within the universe for "anger". Let your spirit flow freely throughout your body, in the direction it wants to go. The Aqua delivery system will guide your spirit in the right direction, so you will be at peace on your path. Anger will thus cease to exist, and your direction towards eternal solice will be realized!

There is really no place within the universe for "anger". Let your spirit flow freely throughout your body, in the direction it wants to go. The Aqua delivery system will guide your spirit in the right direction, so you will be at peace on your path. Anger will thus cease to exist, and your direction towards eternal solice will be realized!

Simply leaving goes against the very fabric of the spirit of fucking the universe. One cannot have true fucking if one is fighting against the cum of the universe. If you leave, no doubt other opportunities will arise, and inner masterbation will take over there as well. You must allow the Aqua fucking system to guide you through your peaceful erection of the spiritual universe. It is only through this guidance that you will achieve lasting orgasim.

The universe may be yours for whatever pleasures are given to you! The Aqua delivery system helps with this universal flow. One major prerequesite you must have for your spirit to flow with the universe is intellegence. If you lack brains and the ability to ever have brains, your universal flow is greatly restricted. These poor people will never know peace, satisfaction, and true happiness. Pity them, and their destruction is imminent! So sad!

This is the most unprofessional, assbackwards, idiotic , accident waiting to happen organization I have EVER been employed by!!! I've seen a lot but this place takes the cake! They think intimating the sales force and strong holding management will make drive sales... Think again.... When you manipulate numbers and lie, let incompetent individuals run the show you will fall on your face... This place is a joke!!! Mass exodus in 2013.., there are better, ethical, "normal" organizations to work at. I have Never witnessed what I have seen the past few years.... This place is a big fat law suit waiting to happen.,, in so many ways....a bunch of Morons with no derm experience running the show!!!! No one in upper management had ANY derm experience! It's embarrassing!

Agreed, when HR has the power to change the vacation policy well into the new year, essentially screwing everyone out of a week's worth of vacation, there is definitely an problem. WTF???

Agreed, when HR has the power to change the vacation policy well into the new year, essentially screwing everyone out of a week's worth of vacation, there is definitely an problem. WTF???

Until you realize this is NOT your company you will never be happy. We are working our tails off to make a few HQ people very rich. We should be happy if all we lose is a weeks worth of vacation because I dont think we will be here the whole year to take it anyway!

Agreed, when HR has the power to change the vacation policy well into the new year, essentially screwing everyone out of a week's worth of vacation, there is definitely an problem. WTF???

Agree. This is not the way you keep your people motivated. Just wonder what they are doing up there in PA? They appear to be clueless on how to motivate a field force. Corrrect me if I am wrong.