This company going NO-where fast!


You can't polish an old T U R D. This drug works but diabetics ain't going to pay $275/month for four horse pills. Plus it does not reduce events or Trigs that much.

Plus docs already have the Rx history of using Vescepa, so they ain't doing to have an open discussion.
I predict pain for your reps.

But speaking as a physician, they are correct. I have used your product and yes, I have read up on the so-called benefits and now I come back to you with “so what?” If the information was THAT good, I would have a rep beating down my door since I am one of the so-called “influencers” in the area but so far, I haven’t heard a peep from the company. The only reason I hit this website was to see if there had been a holdup in the findings. Pfizer will probably have a similar indication for one of its own within 6 months. They usually do.

But speaking as a physician, they are correct. I have used your product and yes, I have read up on the so-called benefits and now I come back to you with “so what?” If the information was THAT good, I would have a rep beating down my door since I am one of the so-called “influencers” in the area but so far, I haven’t heard a peep from the company. The only reason I hit this website was to see if there had been a holdup in the findings. Pfizer will probably have a similar indication for one of its own within 6 months. They usually do.
Maybe you’re only an influencer in your own mind. So if a rep hasn’t visited your office then I’m supposed to believe that the drug/data is not good? So what? 25% reduction, on top of statin reductions, in cardv events is not significant to you? Going to believe you’re not the influencer you claim to be. Be patient, further data will arise at the AHA meeting.

Yeah, you don’t seem like an influencer. You actually seem like hack. You basically said you only prescribe if a rep is beating down your door! Wow...I pray for your patients. Actually, you’re probably a short seller of AMRN who got his face ripped off when the R-IT top line results came out. So what?? You’ll see the “so what” tomorrow afternoon dipshit