Third Party Discount Distributors


Anybody being hurt by this? I have heard from others that this is becoming an issue in their territories. They are not talking old and dated products. The accounts are getting newer lot numbers. How is that stuff readily available? And is this something that could become more widespread?

Products like anchors, Cannulas, suture, plates and screws.

You'll start seeing a lot of physician owned distributor entities and low-end Parcus-type med devices. With Big Ortho companies gobbling up sole source admin-level contracts and low-end companies offering knockoffs, the days of the high salaried reps are numbered.

I agree with this somewhat. I'm more concerned with where these companies are getting their products. Are they getting them from disgruntled distributors, Europe/Latin America, or out of the back door of our own company.

Companies like West Coast Medical and Palm Harbor Medical.

Anybody being hurt by this? I have heard from others that this is becoming an issue in their territories. They are not talking old and dated products. The accounts are getting newer lot numbers. How is that stuff readily available? And is this something that could become more widespread?

Products like anchors, Cannulas, suture, plates and screws.

What did your mgr. say when you told them??

Yep, it's happening and I am the new distributor for the generic stuff. Cut my commissions and see what "ya got?" Seriously, upper management, what did you think a smart rep with business was going to do? Go get a Mc Job!

LMAO, it's all good.